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HodgePodge Fl Airboat regs..Why our Bills MUST PASS!



While this is rather long, it's a list of County & City Airboat regulations across Florida. It is by no means a complete list. It's just what one website produced by searching it's municipal code records on March 15, 2006. It did not show the 90@50' rule or county muffler requirments, so there are many more restrictions across the state for airboats.

If we don't have our voices heard in Tallahassee via your calls, letters & e-mails, expect to see many, many more local rules & regulations in the near future.

While an outright ban is not likely, death by a thousand cuts will be. Should your heads be in the sand, ask our fellow airboaters in South Florida if their areas to run & governing rules have increased or decreased the last 10 years. Same for the remainder of the state.........are our chances to operate increasing or decreasing?

I hope you make the call & encourage others to do the same.....
We need these bills.

Information found with a search of Municode.com on March 15, 2006
************This is not all inclusive of airboat related laws in Florida!!******************


Brevard County
Sec. 122-28. Operation of airboats in restricted area on Lake Poinsett.
(b) Prohibited acts.
(1) It shall be unlawful under the provisions of this section for any person to launch or load any airboat on Lake Poinsett in the county during the nighttime hours within the restricted area on Lake Poinsett, including canals within the Lake Poinsett Subdivision.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any airboat at greater than an idle speed not to exceed five miles per hour at any time within the restricted area.
(3) It shall be unlawful to operate an airboat at greater than idle speed within the canals of the Lake Poinsett Subdivision located in the county at any time.
(4) It shall also be unlawful for any person to launch or load any airboat from the Lake Poinsett Subdivision or any public or private property located on or adjacent to Pluckebaum Road and the Lake Poinsett Lodge areas within the restricted area during the nighttime hours.
(5) It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally remove or destroy any sign, marker or buoy defining or announcing the control line of the restricted area.
(c) Exemption. The provisions of this section shall not prohibit the operation, launching or loading of an airboat within the restricted areas and adjacent to the Lake Poinsett Subdivision or within the canals of the Lake Poinsett Subdivision by any state, county or federal officer on official public business.
(d) Penalties. In accordance with F.S. § 327.73, any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of subsection (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section shall be guilty of a noncriminal infraction punishable by a fine of $100.00. All other violations of this section shall be punished as provided in section 1-7.
Charlottee County

Sec. 3-1-34. Airboats. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate an airboat on any river that is less than one hundred (100) yards in width at the place of operation; however, this section shall not apply to airboats operated by governmental agencies.
Editor's note: The above section was declared to be an ordinance by laws of Fla., Ch. 71-29.
Citrus County

Sec. 106-2. Airboats. (a) The term "airboat" as used in this section is hereby defined as any watercraft propelled by either a pusher-type or a tractor-type propeller of any kind or nature whatsoever including, but not limited to, an aircraft propeller, which is not immersed in water while such watercraft is being operated.
(b) (1) No person shall operate an airboat between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. except as provided in subsection (b)(2) of this section.
(2) Between the dates of November 10 through January 10 of each year, no person shall operate an airboat between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and one-half hour before daylight.
(3) The provisions of subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section shall apply to the operation of an airboat on all bodies of water, marshes and land areas within the boundaries of the county, as defined in F.S. § 7.09.
(4) Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the use at any time of a state, federal or county airboat properly operated in the line of duty, by duly authorized personnel.
(5) Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the use of an airboat properly operated by a nuisance alligator trapper licensed by the executive director of the fish and wildlife conservation commission when in the process of catching or killing a nuisance alligator; provided, however, that such licensed nuisance alligator trapper shall not operate an airboat between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and one-half hour before daylight. As used in this section, the term "licensed nuisance alligator trapper" shall be an individual licensed by the fish and wildlife conservation commission pursuant to F.A.C. 68A-25.003.
(6) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the operation of a properly operated airboat by an individual possessing an alligator trapping license, as required by F.S. § 372.6673, and possessing a harvest permit issued by the fish and wildlife conservation commission pursuant to F.A.C. 68A-25.042; provided, however, that such individuals shall be prohibited from operating airboats between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and one-half hour before daylight. This exemption from the requirements of subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section shall only apply during the harvest season as established by the fish and wildlife conservation commission.
(c) No person shall operate an airboat in such a manner as to endanger life, limb or property. No person shall operate an airboat in such a manner as to direct the propeller blast in the direction of any person, building, dock, swimming area or other boats.
Sec. 106-3. Shining of lights from airboats and watercraft. No person shall shine a light at any residence or into windows of any residence from any airboat or other watercraft.

Hernando County

(a) To protect the terrestrial and aquatic resources of Hernando County's salt water marshes and freshwater rivers, including the Florida manatee, nesting birds and aquatic grasses, from unnecessary harassment and impacts attributed to noise and travel; and
(b) To preserve the tranquility of the county's waterways for the enjoyment by the citizens of Hernando County; and (c) To protect smaller watercraft from the thrust generated by airboat propulsion.
Sec. 7-72. Definitions. Airboat means a vessel which has a principle propulsion system which utilizes a pusher-type or tractor-type propeller, fan or blade which is not normally submerged below the water surface upon which the vessel operates; the fact an airboat can be propelled by a small auxiliary motor or by some other force does not change its characterization as an airboat.
Aquatic grasses shall include, but not be limited to: Avicennia germinans (black mangrove), Juncus roemerianus (blackrush), Spartina bakeri (sand cordgrass).
Existing natural waterway shall mean an area of navigable water that is naturally created and unaltered. This definition specifically excludes any and all man made trails, without regard to the length of their existence or reason for their creation.
Idle speed means that a vessel operating within any such area must be throttled down to the point where the engine is just above a stall. At idle speed, a boat or vessel should cast little or no wake.
Jumping of roadways shall mean the propulsion of a vessel onto or over a designated roadway. Trail means any defined area where continuous previous usage is evident.
Sec. 7-73. Operation. The noise level attained by any vessel shall not be of sufficient volume as to unreasonably disturb or inconvenience the general public or residents of adjacent areas. Vessels are to remain at least one thousand (1,000) feet from any dwelling or roadway while in operation. This shall not include vessels leaving or returning to a port, ramp or residence, or vessels operating within a marked channel or seaward of a marked channel.
Operation of vessels shall be limited to existing natural waterways. Vessels shall not operate in a no entry zone, or in a manner that shall damage or destroy any aquatic grasses. This section shall not apply to residents or owners of property requiring access to said property via airboat or other vessel. Other provisions, such as slow speed shall still apply. Idle speed shall be maintained within any area posted as slow speed/minimum wake zone.
The jumping of any roadway by any vessel shall be prohibited on any property owned and/or maintained by Hernando County. No vessel shall, under its own power, travel on or across any roadway, parking lot, or other public area, over land.

Jackson County

DIVISION 2. BOATING ACTIVITIES. Sec. 70-101. Airboats prohibition.
(a) It shall be unlawful to, and no person shall use, or operate, or occupy an airboat on the waters of Merritts Mill Pond; provided, however, that this prohibition shall not apply to airboats owned by the state or any agency, division, department, or subdivision thereof while operated by public employees in the course of their public employment.
(b) For the purposes of this section, "airboat" shall mean any boat, sled, skiff, or other floating or skimming vessel which is pushed, pulled, or propelled by air power or air propeller generated by a motor of more than ten horsepower.
(c) The county administrator is directed to procure the placement of signs at each public boating access or landing for Merritts Mill Pond advising persons of the restrictions contained herein; provided, that the adequacy or number of the signs shall not affect the validity of this section or of any prosecution for any violation hereof.

Lake County

Sec. 5-3. Airboats at Lake Yale.
a) In this section "airboat" means a water boat powered by an airplane propeller projecting above the stern.
(b) The use of airboats or other substantially similar boats is prohibited in or on the waters and associated tributaries, marshes and wetlands of Lake Yale between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. seven (7) days a week.
(c) The county sheriff's department and any and all other law enforcement agencies shall be authorized to enforce this section.
(d) Violation of this is punishable as provided in section 1-6. Continuing violation after notice constitutes a separate violation for each day so continued.
(Ord. No. 1987-6, §§ 1--4, 4-21-87) Secs. 5-4--5-6. Reserved.
Editor's note: Ord. No. 2001-138, § 5, adopted Nov. 6, 2001, repealed §§ 5-4--5-6, which pertained to ; Lake Dalhousie public boat ramp; Sylvan Shores Park and Lake Joanna Park. See the Code Comparative Table.

Manatee County

Sec. 2-32-32. Prohibitions. (a) No person shall operate an airboat on any county waters between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. eastern time. (b)
No person shall operate an airboat, at any time, on any county waters except in the channels from county boat ramps to the Intracoastal Waterway, the Intercoastal Waterway, and those waters north of the Anna Maria Bridge (State Road 64) bordered by and east of the Intracoastal Waterway to the western shores of those areas adjacent to Tampa Bay, but not including the Manatee River, Terra Ceia Bay or Miguel Bay.
(c) The above prohibitions and restrictions do not apply to airboats owned or under contract to federal, state or local government entities and operated for official business by duly authorized personnel.
Sec. 2-32-21. Other prohibitions.
(a) Noise pollution.
No person shall operate or give permission for the operation of any vessel on county waters, including the Intracoastal Waterway, in such a manner as to exceed the following sound levels at a distance of fifty (50) feet from the vessel: for all vessels, a maximum sound level of ninety (90) dB A.
(b) Airboats.
(1) No person shall operate an airboat on any county waters between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., Eastern time.
(2) No person shall operate an airboat at any time on county waters in Sarasota Bay south of the Cortez Bridge (State Road 684); in Palma Sola Bay; in Perico Bayou; in Anna Maria Sound north of the Anna Maria Bridge (State Road 64); in Terra Ceia Bay; in Miguel Bay or in Bishop Harbor.
(3) The above prohibitions and restrictions do not apply to airboats owned or under contract to federal, state or local government entities and operated for official business by duly authorized personnel.
Marion County
Sec. 5-17. Vessel noise limitation. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or give permission for the operation of any vessel on the Rainbow Lakes in such a manner as to exceed a maximum sound level of 90 dB-A at a distance of fifty (50) feet from the vessel. Any person who refuses to submit to a sound level test when requested to do so by a law enforcement officer is guilty of a violation of this section.
Sec. 5-18. Prohibition of airboats and hydroplanes. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate an airboat, or a hydroplane designed strictly for racing, on the waters of the Rainbow Lakes.
Pasco County

Sec. 114-47. Airboats prohibited on certain lakes. (a) Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Airboat means any vehicle designed to operate upon the water and propelled by an aircraft-type propeller. This shall not include electrically powered engines.
Lake Thomas means those contiguous lands lying below the mean high-water lines of Lake Thomas, which lies within the southwest 1/4 of section 1, and the southeast 1/4 of section 2, and the northeast 1/4 of section 11, and the northwest 1/4 of section 12; all lying within township 26 south, range 18 east in the county.
(b) Prohibited. The operation of airboats on Bell Lake, Lake Thomas and Crews Lake located in the county is prohibited.
Polk County*

While the search of Municode.com did not reveal any results, however; there is an 11pm to 6 am operation restriction for airboats in effect for Polk County.

St. Lucie County

Sec. 2-4-1. Airboats prohibited in savannahs. (a) As used in this act [section] the following words shall mean:
(1) Savannahs --The low or flooded parts of Sections 6, 7, 8, 17, 20, 28 and 29 in township 34 south, range 40 east; Sections 22, 23, 26, 35 and 36 in township 35 south, range 40 east; Sections 1, 2, 11, 12 and 13 in township 36 south, range 40 east; Sections 18, 19, 29, 30, 31 and 32 in township 36 south, range 41 east; and Sections 4, 5, 8 and 9 in township 37 south, range 41 east in St. Lucie County, Florida, excepting, however, the waters of the Indian River.
(2) Airboat --Any boat, sled, skiff or swamp boat pushed, pulled or propelled by air power generated by a nondetachable motor of more than 10 horsepower.
(b) It is unlawful for any person, except a law enforcement or conservation officer when on duty, to operate an airboat in the savannahs in St. Lucie County, Florida.
Sumter County

Sec. 5-3. Airboats.
(a) In this section, "airboat" means any watercraft powered by an internal combustion engine and an above water propeller, fan or blade.
(b) The following regulations shall apply to the operation of airboats in the county:
(1) No person shall operate an airboat between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. except as provided in paragraph (2).
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) shall not apply from November 1 through January 31 of the subsequent year at which time the hours of operation shall be proscribed between 11:00 p.m. and one-half hour before sunrise the following day.
(3) The provisions of this section shall apply to the operation of airboats on Lake Okahumpka and all tributaries, canals, rivers, creeks and streams flowing into or out of Lake Okahumpka located with Sections 16, 21, 22, 26, 27, and 28 of Township 19 South, Range 23 East, Sumter County, Florida, and on Lake Panasoffkee, Florida, and on that portion of the Panasoffkee Outlet River from the mouth of Lake Panasoffkee to a point five hundred (500) yards downstream from the Outlet Park boat ramp, except that airboats shall be permitted to load and unload at the Outlet Park boat ramp with motors off and shall be allowed to idle to and from such boat ramp for purposes of ingress and egress only.
(4) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use at any time by a duly licensed and authorized official of the state, the United States government or the county properly operated in the line of duty, by duly authorized personnel.
(5) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any officially sanctioned gar gig, alligator hunt, or similar event which holds a special permit from the state game and freshwater fish commission, upon issuance by a special permit the board of county commissioners. Said permit shall set and limit number of airboats allowed, time and location of operation and such other terms and conditions as determined by the board as shall be necessary to protect the safety and welfare of the citizens and residents andother boaters of the county. Violation of any such permit shall result in its immediate termination. No such permit shall be issued unless notice of the application therefore is published at least one time in a newspaper of local circulation prior to the meeting at which the permit application will be considered.
(6) The term "airboat" as used in this Code shall mean any watercraft propelled by either a pusher-type or a tractor type propeller of any kind or nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, an aircraft propeller, which is not immersed in water while said watercraft is being operated.
(c) Public safety. No person shall operate an airboat in such a manner as to direct the propeller blast in the direction of any person, building, dock, swimming area or other boats.
(d) Shining of lights regulated. No person shall shine or allow to be shined a light at any residence or building from any airboat or any other watercraft.
Wakulla County

Sec. 7.072. Use of airboats regulated. (a) Operation restricted. No person shall operate an airboat in Wakulla County between sunset and sunrise or within one mile of any residence except for purposes of loading and unloading. No person shall operate an airboat from sunset on Saturday until sunrise on the following Monday in Wakulla County.
(b) Equipment muffling. In accordance with section 327.65, Florida Statutes, no person may operate an airboat on the waters of Wakulla County, Florida, unless the exhaust of every internal combustion engine used is effectively muffled by equipment so constructed to accomplish this in a reasonable manner.
(c) Sound level regulations. In accordance with section 327.60(1) and section 327.65, Florida Statutes, no person may operate any airboat in the waters of the county, in such a manner as to exceed the following sound levels at a distance of fifty (50) feet from the vessel: A maximum sound level of 90dB A (decibels).
(d) Area of application. The provisions of subsections (a) through (c) of this section shall apply to the operation of vessels on all bodies of water, marshes and land area within the boundaries of the county, as defined in section 7.65, Florida Statutes.
(e) Application to state, federal or county airboats. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of any State of Florida, federal or county airboat, properly operated in the line of duty, by duly authorized personnel.
Sec. 7.073. Public safety.
(a) No person shall operate an airboat in such a manner as to endanger life, limb or property.
(b) No person shall operate an airboat in such a manner as to direct the propeller blast in the direction of any person, building, dock, swimming area or other boats.
(c) No person shall shine a light at any residence or into a window of any residence from any airboat or other vessel.

Select Cities

Sec. 42-13. Operating airboats within corporate boundaries. It shall be unlawful to operate an airboat or any other boat of similar construction and power within the corporate boundaries of the city.

Sec. 78-52. Operation prohibited during certain hours.
(a) No person shall operate an airboat from one-half hour after sunset through a time period one-half hour before daylight.
(b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall apply to the operation of an airboat on all bodies of water, marshes and land areas within the boundaries of the city.
(c) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use at any time of a state, federal, county or city airboat properly operated in the line of duty by duly authorized personnel.
Sec. 78-53. Safety requirements.
(a) No person shall operate an airboat in such a manner as to endanger life, limb or property.
(b) No person shall operate an airboat in such a manner as to direct the propeller blast in the direction of any person, building, dock, swimming area or other boats.

Lake Alfred

Sec. 62-3. Operation of airboats.
(a) Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Airboat means any boat, sled, sea skiff, or swamp boat, pushed, pulled or propelled by air power generated by a motor of more than 25 horsepower.
(b) Time limitations. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any airboat upon any of the lakes within the city during the hours from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Lake Wales
Chapter 12 HEALTH, SANITATION, NUISANCES *Cross references: Code enforcement board, § 2-56 et seq.; unsanitary conditions caused by animals declared a nuisance, § 6-2; howling and barking dogs prohibited, § 6-28; buildings and building regulations, Ch. 7; swimming pool code adopted, § 7-151 et seq.; flood prevention and protection, Ch. 11; beekeeping which constitutes an annoyance or nuisance prohibited in the city, § 15-5; airboat operation within certain areas of the city prohibited, § 15-6.
Sec. 15-6. Airboats. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor-propelled airboat on any completely landlocked lake, sandmine or sinkhole within the city limits. This section shall not apply to a motor-propelled airboat operated by or on behalf of a governmental agency


Sec. 58-32. Airboat operation restricted. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any airboat upon any of the lakes within the city, provided that airboats operated by governmental agencies or at the direction of governmental agencies or for the purpose of aquatic weed control pursuant to a permit issued by the state department of natural resources or other governmental agency having jurisdiction thereof shall be permitted for governmental, regulatory and aquatic weed control purposes. For purposes of this section, "airboat" shall mean any boat, sled, sea skiff, or swamp boat pushed, pulled or propelled by air power generated by a motor of more than 25 horsepower.


Sec. 15-11. Airboat regulations. (a) The city commission finds that those portions of Lake Harris and Lake Griffin located within the city limits of the City of Leesburg are within, or in close proximity to residential neighborhoods and that the operation of air boats within those areas constitutes a nuisance by creating extremely loud noises inconsistent with the residential character of the neighborhoods. (b) Airboats operating within the City of Leesburg on Lake Harris or Lake Griffin shall operate at idle speed at any time they are within five hundred (500) feet of any shoreline. Airboats launching into Lake Harris may load and unload only from the loading ramp on the north side of the Venetian Gardens boat basin and shall be prohibited from loading or unloading from the boat ramp located on the south side of the basin. Airboats launching into Lake Griffin may load and unload only from the loading ramp at Herlong Park, and shall be prohibited from loading or unloading at any other ramp on Lake Griffin within the city limits. It shall be unlawful for any person to load or unloading an airboat onto or from a trailer at any boat ramp within the City of Leesburg by using the boat motor to power such loading or unloading, other than at the Singletary Park ramp. It shall be unlawful to operate an airboat in any canal within the general vicinity of Ninth Street in Lake Harris, or in any canal within the general vicinity of North Shore Drive, Shore Acres Drive or North Mills Street, in Lake Griffin, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Madeira Beach Sec. 78-39. Airboats declared a nuisance; operation prohibited.
The operation of airboats within the limits of the city is hereby declared to be a nuisance. For the purpose of this section, an airboat shall be any vessel using an airplane-type propeller located above the level of the water as a means of propulsion. No occupational license shall be issued by the city for the commercial operation of an airboat. In addition to the penalties provided in this chapter or as an alternative thereto at the discretion of the city, the city may enforce the prohibitions of this section by injunction in a court of appropriate jurisdiction.
North Port
Sec. 82-1. Airboats. (a) Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: Airboat. Any boat, vessel, craft or other contrivance which is propelled by the use of propeller, air, suction or other things wherein said propeller or other device is above the waterline of any craft, vessel or boat.
(b) Use prohibited. It shall be unlawful to use an airboat on any of the waters, streams, lakes, rivers, canals or other bodies of water situated within the city limits of the City of North Port, Florida except in times of emergency as designated by the city.
(c) Exceptions. This section shall not apply to any airboats owned and operated by the State of Florida, the County of Sarasota or the United States government


Sec. 10-28. Airboats prohibited.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, or cause to operate an airboat on any bayous, bays, canals, the Gulf of Mexico or any other body of water within the city limits of the city, for any cause whatsoever, except that this prohibition shall not apply within the Florida Intracoastal Waterway.
(b) This section shall not apply to any airboats owned and operated by the state, the county, the city or the United States government while engaged in the discharge of the official activities of the owner entity or official duties of the operating employee.
Sec.10-78. Prohibited acts. (k) It shall be unlawful to use an airboat as a water taxi in the municipal limits of the city.

Tarpon Springs

(a) No person shall operate or give permission for the operation of any vessel, boat, airboat or other contrivance used to transport persons, materials or goods on the river, bayous or other waterways that are adjacent to the land areas of the city in such a manner as to exceed at a distance of 50 feet from the vessel a level of 90 db A.
(b) Any person who refuses to submit to a sound level test when requested to do so by a law enforcement officer is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree

Treasure Island

Sec. 58-94. Airboats. The operation of an airboat within the limits of the city is hereby declared to be a nuisance,
and no person or business shall operate an airboat within the city. For the purpose of this section, an airboat shall be any vessel using an airplane-type propeller located above the level of the water as a means of propulsion. In addition to the penalties provided in this section or as an alternative thereto, at the discretion of the city, the city may enforce the prohibitions of this section by injunction in a court of competent jurisdiction.
Sec. 46-162. Operation of airboats prohibited.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, or cause to operate, an airboat on any bayou, bay, canal, the Gulf of Mexico, or any other body of water within the corporate limits of the city, except that this prohibition shall not apply within the Florida Intracoastal Waterway.
(b) This section shall not apply to any airboat owned and operated by any governmental entity while engaged in any official activity.
Geez I never knew we were so popular. Seems like a standard law is needed badly... now if it will just make these laws unenforceable and not just be another tougher law to deal with. Often you need to be careful what you ask for because you might get it ... are we sure we asked for the right things???
I think we're on the right track; however the can of worms is open in Tallahassee so we better stay vigilant and make sure they hear us.
So far, this hodge podge is working to our advantage........lets keep the heat up.