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Holiday Park webcam is back up and running 6/27/19


Well-known member
Check out all their boats , i counted 16 . What a great place to come and check out the weather before heading out for the day
ttps://www.evergladesholidaypark.com/e ... s-web-cam/

Nice little rain today at the park around 4:00 today ,at the park they have some construction going on at the airboat ramp . they have a crane driving pillings at boat ramp .
Thanks Hoilday Park for getting the webcam back up .https://www.evergladesholidaypark.com/everglades-web-cam/https://southernairboat.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=690997#p690997
Park webcam down for 4 days . but back up know 8/13/18
Webcam down 8/25/18 Webcam back up 8/30/18 :cheers:
Webcam back up 1/7/19
Thhttps://www.evergladesholidaypark.com/everglades-web-cam/anks Holiday park on new webcam
I have never heard anyone on this site ever say anything about the enormous size of the boats that do tours or who builds these boats so my question is: WHO BUILDS THESE BOATS MOSTLY?
Seven3 I believe you are correct but if I'm not mistaking he built the newer hulls they have and John Swait built the older ones.
:rebel: Eden 14 in the reservation is showing over 4 inches in the last couple of days, Keep it coming ole rain god. :rebel: :cheers: