Ok everyone now that your looking in here. LOL Here is the deal.
Big Daddy sent me a copy of an email that he was sending out about the land deal/steal on lake kissimmee. I swore I would never get involved in one of these things again but this one is just too important. That is why I won't get nuthin for christmas because I got involved after I said I wouldn't.
Ok here is where you can all help, that is if you think access to lake kissimmee is worth the fight.
I am going to post a list of email addresses here in this post. What yopu need to do is simply write a little note and then cut and paste the list of names to the send to place in the email. This is not hard and it is effective.
I am going to post most of my letter I sent out but write your own note to them it works better than a form letter.
my message:
The sale of the surplus lands, as they are called, bought from the SPEIGHT FAMILY with public monies, would be minimally more palatable if there were some provision to provide an access area for use by the boating public, including airboaters, at the current existing boat ramp and airboat launch area on the grounds of the former SHADY OAKS CAMPGROUND. This should not be that hard to do and should not require years of studies and construction delays. The facilities existed and were in use and were used safely as opposed to the two public free launches located at the locks on hwy 60. That is a very dangerous place to launch even in normal conditions let alone during periods of high water and discharge activities. The proper and right thing to do is to allow the SHADY OAKS AREA to be used as a launch even if it is only a primitive launch with minimal or no facilities, at least the people of the STATE OF FLORIDA would have access to the most wonderful fishing and airboating area in the state. We as airboaters are continually faced with restrictions on where we can enjoy our vessels due to the sound they generate. We are working hard with the FWC to reduce this issue. LAKE KISSIMMEE is one of the few places where there are minimal houses to be disturbed by our activity and based on personal conversations with FWC OFFICERS it is one of the places where we should be able to enjoy relatively unrestricted enjoyment.
I understand the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT needing to re-coup monies to purchase more land in order to lessen the impact on the taxpayers of the state. I don't understand why they don't seem to want to provide an access point for all boaters to access the lake when it already exists and has been used for many years and would require no major expenditure on the part of the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT and would go a long ways towards fostering a level of trust in their decisions by the taxpayers.
I am urging all citizens who are in reciept of this message to band together and let every newspaper and television station and radio station and every environmental group they can find know exactly the tactics being considered by the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT and the potential loss of a major recreational access point to one of the most beautiful lakes in the state. Please do not allow the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT to quietly deny the PEOPLE of FLORIDA access to this area. Make as much noise as you can and do not stop until the mission is accomplished. Bring as much light to bear as possible on this subject. Make every ELECTED OFFICIAL you know aware of the fact you are paying attention and will not idly sit by and watch this happen. If this transaction happens as has been outlined so far it would seem that someone is up to no good and the trust placed in them by the PEOPLE of FLORIDA has indeed been misplaced and at election time it may be time for a change.
Make as big an issue out of this as you can because once this area is gone WE THE PEOPLE of FLORIDA will never get it back. You must act quickly to stop this travesty in it's tracks.
If anyone recieving this is an ATTORNEY maybe a suit could be filed challenging this proposed action.
The list:
fdavis@sfwmd.gov, rismith@sfwmd.gov, cberger@sfwmd.gov, ibague@sfwmd.gov, pbthomas@sfwmd.gov, acarlson@sfwmd.gov, mcollins@sfwmd.gov, NGutierrez@sfwmd.gov, LLindahl@sfwmd.gov, HarkleyT@fdn.com, mawade@sfwmd.gov, KMcCarty@sfwmd.gov, ahaga@sfwmd.gov, Robwrac@aol.com, JamInfo@aol.com, cpattison@1000fof.org, mgengenbach@tnc.org, jfurgang@audubon.org, email@campmack.com, pjlane@mpinet.net, PhilGriner@aol.com, HarryT49@msn.com, Gatorstick@aol.com, Jdbran7@aol.com, AirboatSafety@aol.com, Gena.Kaley@wachovia.com, llunsford.fleet@cityofbartow.net, adamnicole2@netzero.com, Heather_Muzzey@Progressive.com, slatertime@aol.com, HRBSEINC@aol.com, sfguardianship@yahoo.com, virginia@gatortile.com, Weihrauchbrad@aol.com, FWC.Commissioners@fwc.state.fl.us, rbarreto@bcmpartners.com, Julie.Jones@fwc.state.fl.us, ken.haddad@fwc.state.fl.us, joemercurio@clearchannel.com, DMarkett@aol.com, captbudd@cfl.rr.com, TSapp22334@aol.com, dhemmer@tampabay.rr.com, onemorecast@gtcom.net, rfishnfever@worldnet.att.net, nat@italianoinsurance.com, gsc@gate.net, captwright@earthlink.com, dmetko@tampabay.rr.com, DoublePats@aol.com, rpress1@netzero.net, cntry141iq@yahoo.com, swampjet@yahoo.com, whispercreek@whispercreek.com, rhedgeco@tampabay.rr.com, Karen.Beal@SunTrust.com, Lkbrown46@aol.com, capital.ideas@att.net, bishopwright@bellsouth.net, jeb@jeb.org, Eva.Armstrong@dep.state.fl.us, tomalin@sptimes.com, dwilson@orlandosentinel.com, del.milligan@Theledger.com, bstout@news-press.com, adeslatte@nettally.com, Tom.Palmer@Theledger.com, mnemeth@news-press.com, rochelle_gilken@pbpost.com, Bridget_Walsh@billnelson.senate.gov, Herkyfwcc@aol.com, Clay_Roberts@oag.state.fl.us, charlie_crist@oag.state.fl.us, theresa.m.giampia@usps.gov, jjguidry@tampatrib.com, DPHunter1@earthlink.net
Also send it ot nayone you can add to the list and ask them to take action.
We can and must win this one to set the tone for future battles which are coming.
Big Daddy sent me a copy of an email that he was sending out about the land deal/steal on lake kissimmee. I swore I would never get involved in one of these things again but this one is just too important. That is why I won't get nuthin for christmas because I got involved after I said I wouldn't.
Ok here is where you can all help, that is if you think access to lake kissimmee is worth the fight.
I am going to post a list of email addresses here in this post. What yopu need to do is simply write a little note and then cut and paste the list of names to the send to place in the email. This is not hard and it is effective.
I am going to post most of my letter I sent out but write your own note to them it works better than a form letter.
my message:
The sale of the surplus lands, as they are called, bought from the SPEIGHT FAMILY with public monies, would be minimally more palatable if there were some provision to provide an access area for use by the boating public, including airboaters, at the current existing boat ramp and airboat launch area on the grounds of the former SHADY OAKS CAMPGROUND. This should not be that hard to do and should not require years of studies and construction delays. The facilities existed and were in use and were used safely as opposed to the two public free launches located at the locks on hwy 60. That is a very dangerous place to launch even in normal conditions let alone during periods of high water and discharge activities. The proper and right thing to do is to allow the SHADY OAKS AREA to be used as a launch even if it is only a primitive launch with minimal or no facilities, at least the people of the STATE OF FLORIDA would have access to the most wonderful fishing and airboating area in the state. We as airboaters are continually faced with restrictions on where we can enjoy our vessels due to the sound they generate. We are working hard with the FWC to reduce this issue. LAKE KISSIMMEE is one of the few places where there are minimal houses to be disturbed by our activity and based on personal conversations with FWC OFFICERS it is one of the places where we should be able to enjoy relatively unrestricted enjoyment.
I understand the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT needing to re-coup monies to purchase more land in order to lessen the impact on the taxpayers of the state. I don't understand why they don't seem to want to provide an access point for all boaters to access the lake when it already exists and has been used for many years and would require no major expenditure on the part of the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT and would go a long ways towards fostering a level of trust in their decisions by the taxpayers.
I am urging all citizens who are in reciept of this message to band together and let every newspaper and television station and radio station and every environmental group they can find know exactly the tactics being considered by the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT and the potential loss of a major recreational access point to one of the most beautiful lakes in the state. Please do not allow the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT to quietly deny the PEOPLE of FLORIDA access to this area. Make as much noise as you can and do not stop until the mission is accomplished. Bring as much light to bear as possible on this subject. Make every ELECTED OFFICIAL you know aware of the fact you are paying attention and will not idly sit by and watch this happen. If this transaction happens as has been outlined so far it would seem that someone is up to no good and the trust placed in them by the PEOPLE of FLORIDA has indeed been misplaced and at election time it may be time for a change.
Make as big an issue out of this as you can because once this area is gone WE THE PEOPLE of FLORIDA will never get it back. You must act quickly to stop this travesty in it's tracks.
If anyone recieving this is an ATTORNEY maybe a suit could be filed challenging this proposed action.
The list:
fdavis@sfwmd.gov, rismith@sfwmd.gov, cberger@sfwmd.gov, ibague@sfwmd.gov, pbthomas@sfwmd.gov, acarlson@sfwmd.gov, mcollins@sfwmd.gov, NGutierrez@sfwmd.gov, LLindahl@sfwmd.gov, HarkleyT@fdn.com, mawade@sfwmd.gov, KMcCarty@sfwmd.gov, ahaga@sfwmd.gov, Robwrac@aol.com, JamInfo@aol.com, cpattison@1000fof.org, mgengenbach@tnc.org, jfurgang@audubon.org, email@campmack.com, pjlane@mpinet.net, PhilGriner@aol.com, HarryT49@msn.com, Gatorstick@aol.com, Jdbran7@aol.com, AirboatSafety@aol.com, Gena.Kaley@wachovia.com, llunsford.fleet@cityofbartow.net, adamnicole2@netzero.com, Heather_Muzzey@Progressive.com, slatertime@aol.com, HRBSEINC@aol.com, sfguardianship@yahoo.com, virginia@gatortile.com, Weihrauchbrad@aol.com, FWC.Commissioners@fwc.state.fl.us, rbarreto@bcmpartners.com, Julie.Jones@fwc.state.fl.us, ken.haddad@fwc.state.fl.us, joemercurio@clearchannel.com, DMarkett@aol.com, captbudd@cfl.rr.com, TSapp22334@aol.com, dhemmer@tampabay.rr.com, onemorecast@gtcom.net, rfishnfever@worldnet.att.net, nat@italianoinsurance.com, gsc@gate.net, captwright@earthlink.com, dmetko@tampabay.rr.com, DoublePats@aol.com, rpress1@netzero.net, cntry141iq@yahoo.com, swampjet@yahoo.com, whispercreek@whispercreek.com, rhedgeco@tampabay.rr.com, Karen.Beal@SunTrust.com, Lkbrown46@aol.com, capital.ideas@att.net, bishopwright@bellsouth.net, jeb@jeb.org, Eva.Armstrong@dep.state.fl.us, tomalin@sptimes.com, dwilson@orlandosentinel.com, del.milligan@Theledger.com, bstout@news-press.com, adeslatte@nettally.com, Tom.Palmer@Theledger.com, mnemeth@news-press.com, rochelle_gilken@pbpost.com, Bridget_Walsh@billnelson.senate.gov, Herkyfwcc@aol.com, Clay_Roberts@oag.state.fl.us, charlie_crist@oag.state.fl.us, theresa.m.giampia@usps.gov, jjguidry@tampatrib.com, DPHunter1@earthlink.net
Also send it ot nayone you can add to the list and ask them to take action.
We can and must win this one to set the tone for future battles which are coming.