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I aint gonna get nuthin for christmas URGENT ACTION NEEDED


Silent Prop
R. I. P.
Ok everyone now that your looking in here. LOL Here is the deal.

Big Daddy sent me a copy of an email that he was sending out about the land deal/steal on lake kissimmee. I swore I would never get involved in one of these things again but this one is just too important. That is why I won't get nuthin for christmas because I got involved after I said I wouldn't.

Ok here is where you can all help, that is if you think access to lake kissimmee is worth the fight.
I am going to post a list of email addresses here in this post. What yopu need to do is simply write a little note and then cut and paste the list of names to the send to place in the email. This is not hard and it is effective.



I am going to post most of my letter I sent out but write your own note to them it works better than a form letter.

my message:
The sale of the surplus lands, as they are called, bought from the SPEIGHT FAMILY with public monies, would be minimally more palatable if there were some provision to provide an access area for use by the boating public, including airboaters, at the current existing boat ramp and airboat launch area on the grounds of the former SHADY OAKS CAMPGROUND. This should not be that hard to do and should not require years of studies and construction delays. The facilities existed and were in use and were used safely as opposed to the two public free launches located at the locks on hwy 60. That is a very dangerous place to launch even in normal conditions let alone during periods of high water and discharge activities. The proper and right thing to do is to allow the SHADY OAKS AREA to be used as a launch even if it is only a primitive launch with minimal or no facilities, at least the people of the STATE OF FLORIDA would have access to the most wonderful fishing and airboating area in the state. We as airboaters are continually faced with restrictions on where we can enjoy our vessels due to the sound they generate. We are working hard with the FWC to reduce this issue. LAKE KISSIMMEE is one of the few places where there are minimal houses to be disturbed by our activity and based on personal conversations with FWC OFFICERS it is one of the places where we should be able to enjoy relatively unrestricted enjoyment.

I understand the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT needing to re-coup monies to purchase more land in order to lessen the impact on the taxpayers of the state. I don't understand why they don't seem to want to provide an access point for all boaters to access the lake when it already exists and has been used for many years and would require no major expenditure on the part of the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT and would go a long ways towards fostering a level of trust in their decisions by the taxpayers.

I am urging all citizens who are in reciept of this message to band together and let every newspaper and television station and radio station and every environmental group they can find know exactly the tactics being considered by the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT and the potential loss of a major recreational access point to one of the most beautiful lakes in the state. Please do not allow the WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT to quietly deny the PEOPLE of FLORIDA access to this area. Make as much noise as you can and do not stop until the mission is accomplished. Bring as much light to bear as possible on this subject. Make every ELECTED OFFICIAL you know aware of the fact you are paying attention and will not idly sit by and watch this happen. If this transaction happens as has been outlined so far it would seem that someone is up to no good and the trust placed in them by the PEOPLE of FLORIDA has indeed been misplaced and at election time it may be time for a change.

Make as big an issue out of this as you can because once this area is gone WE THE PEOPLE of FLORIDA will never get it back. You must act quickly to stop this travesty in it's tracks.

If anyone recieving this is an ATTORNEY maybe a suit could be filed challenging this proposed action.

The list:
fdavis@sfwmd.gov, rismith@sfwmd.gov, cberger@sfwmd.gov, ibague@sfwmd.gov, pbthomas@sfwmd.gov, acarlson@sfwmd.gov, mcollins@sfwmd.gov, NGutierrez@sfwmd.gov, LLindahl@sfwmd.gov, HarkleyT@fdn.com, mawade@sfwmd.gov, KMcCarty@sfwmd.gov, ahaga@sfwmd.gov, Robwrac@aol.com, JamInfo@aol.com, cpattison@1000fof.org, mgengenbach@tnc.org, jfurgang@audubon.org, email@campmack.com, pjlane@mpinet.net, PhilGriner@aol.com, HarryT49@msn.com, Gatorstick@aol.com, Jdbran7@aol.com, AirboatSafety@aol.com, Gena.Kaley@wachovia.com, llunsford.fleet@cityofbartow.net, adamnicole2@netzero.com, Heather_Muzzey@Progressive.com, slatertime@aol.com, HRBSEINC@aol.com, sfguardianship@yahoo.com, virginia@gatortile.com, Weihrauchbrad@aol.com, FWC.Commissioners@fwc.state.fl.us, rbarreto@bcmpartners.com, Julie.Jones@fwc.state.fl.us, ken.haddad@fwc.state.fl.us, joemercurio@clearchannel.com, DMarkett@aol.com, captbudd@cfl.rr.com, TSapp22334@aol.com, dhemmer@tampabay.rr.com, onemorecast@gtcom.net, rfishnfever@worldnet.att.net, nat@italianoinsurance.com, gsc@gate.net, captwright@earthlink.com, dmetko@tampabay.rr.com, DoublePats@aol.com, rpress1@netzero.net, cntry141iq@yahoo.com, swampjet@yahoo.com, whispercreek@whispercreek.com, rhedgeco@tampabay.rr.com, Karen.Beal@SunTrust.com, Lkbrown46@aol.com, capital.ideas@att.net, bishopwright@bellsouth.net, jeb@jeb.org, Eva.Armstrong@dep.state.fl.us, tomalin@sptimes.com, dwilson@orlandosentinel.com, del.milligan@Theledger.com, bstout@news-press.com, adeslatte@nettally.com, Tom.Palmer@Theledger.com, mnemeth@news-press.com, rochelle_gilken@pbpost.com, Bridget_Walsh@billnelson.senate.gov, Herkyfwcc@aol.com, Clay_Roberts@oag.state.fl.us, charlie_crist@oag.state.fl.us, theresa.m.giampia@usps.gov, jjguidry@tampatrib.com, DPHunter1@earthlink.net

Also send it ot nayone you can add to the list and ask them to take action.
We can and must win this one to set the tone for future battles which are coming.
I'm not much of a writer but here's my message...

I am writing this message in regards to the future of the former Shady Oaks property on Lake Kissimmee. As I understand it, this property was purchased using public funds from the Speight family. Also, I understand that there is a possibility of this property being declared as surplus and availible for sale.

I think that this decision should be reevaluated. This property, which is now in the hands of the State of Florida, is a wonderful example of a property worth saving for the people of Florida. It is located so as to provide recreational boaters with the best and safest access to the southern end of Lake Kissimmee. Also, this would require very little development by the State or Polk County. By leaving it availible with a public ramp, even with primitive facilities, it would far exceed the standards of the current public ramps near the lock at the south end of the lake.

I am a 25 year old resident with a wife and kid. I am a member of the Florida National Guard and am also a full time student. Money doesn't flow like water in my household. I assure you that by using this property (bought with my tax-dollars) for a public ramp you would be doing a great service to the people of this state. There are currently NO public ramps on Lake Kissimmee with the exception of the previously mentioned one near the lock. This ramp is dangerous and should not be used, even in the best of conditions. The other ramps are privately owned and charge fees ranging from $5 or more. I enjoy the outdoors and try to spend as much time on the water as I can, but paying $5 each time I launch my boat, simply because of a lack of a better alternative, hurts my wallet.

The Shady Oaks property NEEDS to be saved. Please don't let this wonderful part of Old Florida vanish like so much of our other lands. This land is owned by the people of Florida and should be provided to these people for recreation and enjoyment, not sold to some private party for development.

Thank You

Adam Wetherington

2612 Trinity Cir Nw

Winter Haven, Fl 33881

Just posted in a very large Florida Freshwater and hunting forum. These guys usually see the point and run with it. I'll keep you updated as to how many hits it receives and feedback. Thanks for taking the time to paste all the names and caring.
Seriously the more emails they get the more consideration it will get. we need a 1000 emails and then they will pay attention. Don't worry they will not hunt you down to get even just don't tell them exactly how you feel about politics. This is a chance to let all of the folks on this list know just what the strength of the airboating community is when it comes to stuff that affects us. So what is it gonna be ... ya'll gonna cut bait or fish
cntry141iq":g5btz02s said:
... ya'll gonna cut bait or fish

Cntry - I was gonna say you are the Master Baiter.


But what applies even better is that you are the Master Fisherman. Nice job you've done here. And if it works, you will get a Christmas present.... a ramp for future generations to use and enjoy set into a pristine section of nature.

I'm not gonna write the whole story as you, BPS, & BigD have done so well. I'm gonna make a reference to the story, and just say that I support my fellow sportsmen. Short and sweet. 3 or 4 lines.

I may be mistaken, but if you include your name and maybe your address, your message will carry more weight? Like signing a petition? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Hey everyone BIG DADDY is the one who got my dander up on this. I watched quietly for a while but ROSCOE came up again. I couldn't just sit and watch BIG D and Gator stick and others try and do this with no support. So lets show some solidarity here and let people know that rednecks pay attention and we vote.

I am not taking this personal if the response is low ... but if it is... it sure lets the government know they don't need to worry about the airboaters getting behind anything in a united effort.
I sent mine! To all 71 names on the list. Address the message to yourself, and put the above list of addresses in the CC (Carbon Copy) or BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) part of the address window.

My message was short & sweet:

Greetings. No doubt you have received word about the sportsmen concerned about the possible sale of land on the southern shores of Lake Kissimmee. I will not repeat the whole story to you, but want to add my support to my fellow sportsmen AGAINST the sale of the land! Please do the right thing and make the public land available to the public (& future generations).


Matt Hasty
Orlando, FL 32806

If you don't fight, you don't have a right to complain, In My Humble Opinion.

Stand for something, or you'll fall for anything.

Here's my letter: (Anyone who may want to use it is free to)

To Whom It May Concern:

I have recently been informed of the intent to sell "surplus" land in the Lake Kissimmee area. As a concerned citizen, I am voicing my opinion against this sale. As outlined, this sale would take this public land away from the public, denying us access to a valuable recreational and environmental resource.

I, and many other voting and taxpaying Florida residents, will be following this transaction closely. At issue is access for recreational boaters to Lake Kissimmee from this surplus land.

Please consider the needs of the public as you proceed with this transaction.

Laura S. Partlow, RN
Winter Haven, Fl.
Bigdaddy thanks for keeping us motivated sometimes i need a little kick to get me going here's mine
It has come to my attention that sfwmd is at this time considering selling as surplus property it has recenly purchased on and near lake Kissimmee.
Myself being a 6 generation floridian and with a fair Knowlage of the history of florida I beleive the state should retain this property as history has shown this property in a hundred years will probaly be developed with homes losing what is left of our natural florida.
Most .of florida was sold for an average of 25 cents per acre by the state It would have been nice to have retained property back then.
Please retain this property for future generations to enjoy.

sincerly Stanley Blackwelder Jr
5616 Old Perkins Hwy
Deleon Springs,Fl 32130
cntry141iq":271qcve4 said:
Seriously the more emails they get the more consideration it will get.
Cntry I'm dead serious also. This post in the other forum has generated 70 hits already. Hopefully half write letters. And remember this is coming from someone that already has access to Lake Kissimmee. :wink:
I dropped them all a note as well.
Come on folks. Hit the send button, and give them respectful opinions regarding this resource in peril.
Here is a response I got off the other site.
UNITED WATERFOWLERS-FL is on this issue....a number of emails and letters have been sent...you have a good list! We have also met with the SFWMD's Fred Davis who is the "Land Steward". He has promised a "review" of the situation.....keep the pressure on.....UW-F is also a member of the Allied Sportsmans Assoc. of FL. a "lobbying" group located in Tallahassee and the group has been alerted. There is no excuse for the lost of this public access, especially when there is no other nearby access (except Grape Hammock, but it will probably be flooded out when the lake level is raised). The ramp at the spill way is often closed due to high water at that location and currents.....leaving the south part of the lake with no access at all.
Newton Cook
President- UW-F
I'm a little slow, but I promise mine's going out this weekend.

I've had to use that public ramp at the locks. :twisted:
I got a response form the commission secretary.

She stated that she had forwarded my e-mail to the commission, and the excecutive director.

I replied with thanks for the response.

Anybody else got any response?
I shoot a email this evening.

Guess it will not hurt if I do even I am from Texas. I will make it a point to point to the great public access ya'll have to some beautiful lands. That is not the case around here.
MarshMaster Pat,

A letter from an out-of state Sportsman or Airboater can be very effective in one of these fights. It sends a signal to our Legislators that there aren't just local Florida people upset, but that we are an Airboat Community and that as such, much bigger and better organized than they might have thought otherwise.

When the old Texoma airboat club was still active I wrote a letter in support of Texas sportsmen over a Bill that was pending that would have limited the total number of 'wheels' that a person could take to the Marsh because of 'environmental impact'. It was aimed at stopping some of the ATV people, but the way the Bill was writen it could have also stopped the hauling of boat trailers into those areas.

What affects sportsmen and airboaters in Texas, Louisiana, Nebraska, Utah ...... anywhere, ultimately affects us all. Your letter will be appreciated.

Thank You, Each and All for your continued support. SAO Rocks !!

Listed below is the response from DEP - make your own conclusions....
And, the list of Polk Commissioners and Legislative delegation. I have been advised we need to ask for their support on this as well.

"Thank you for your follow-up note, Captain Markett.

The agencies that own and manage land around Lake Kissimmee are working together to address public access to the lake for recreation. While they are discussing access to the lake in general, they are aware of the Kissimmee River Valley Sportsman’s Association’s concerns as they relate to Shady Oaks Fish Camp. We hope the outcome of their review will provide an access option that will meet the needs of your association members.

I am copying those in the agencies involved in this review so they will have additional background from your email. They will keep you posted on their discussions.

Mollie "

Here are the names and emails for the important Polk County contacts on this issue:

Senator JD Alexander alexander.jd.web@flsenate.gov

Rep. Marsha Bower marsha.bower@myfloridahouse.gov

Rep. Dennis Ross dennis.ross@myfloridahouse.gov

Rep. Baxter Troutman baxter.troutman@myfloridahouse.gov

Commissioner Bob English bobenglish@polk-county.net

Comm. Randy Wilkenson randywilkenson@polk-county.net

Comm. Jack Myers jackmyers@polk-county.net

Comm. Paul Senft paulsenft@polk-county.net

Comm. Sam Johnson samjohnson@polk-county.net

Polk County Environmental Lands Coordinator - Gaye Sharpe
I recieved these two emails. It is important to keep the pressure up they will listen if we speak here is proof. So far this is not an acceptable response. WE need more emails calling for the shadyoaks boat ramp as the best option.

response 1) Thank you for contacting us about your concerns regarding public access to Lake Kissimmee. The South Florida Water Management District believes that this is not an issue regarding the Speight property but rather a valid issue related to adequate public access to Lake Kissimmee. The District staff has been addressing this issue since comments were first received last month at the quarterly Recreation Workshop meeting.

In response to the access concerns, staff has inventoried the public lands surrounding the Lake and any existing access points. Meetings with representatives of all the public lands (DEP,FWC, DOF and Polk County) have taken place with the goal being to look at options to improve the Lake access. The following represents several viable options that the District believes should be explored:

Construct new ramps at Otter Slough (District Land). Access to these ramps would be through the Lake Wales State Forest which would require a management agreement between the District and Division of Forestry.

Improve the existing ramp at State Road 60

Evaluate sighting a ramp on the Lake Jackson Canal in the Three Lakes Wildlife Management Area for access to the Lake

Provide public funding for improvements to the ramp at Overstreet Landing

It should be noted that there is a good ramp in Lake Kissimmee State Park with plenty of parking available although it is not permitted to launch airboats from this site. Airboat access is important for us to accommodate in our options.

Our next Recreation Workshop is scheduled for February 13, 2006, 4 – 7 PM in West Palm Beach at the District Offices on Gun Club Road. These are public meetings and we hope you attend. A follow up discussion of this issue is scheduled for discussion at that meeting.

Carol Ann Wehle

Executive Director

response 2) Carol thanks you so much for responding to all these emails. I can understand the concerns that have been raised by all the emails that I have received. (I’m certainly not encouraging more emails) The directors have responded and please participate in the process. I would encourage you all to attend the public workshop and voice your concerns. Thank you. The Fish and Wildlife staff is reviewing the same.

Rodney Barreto


Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

235 Catalonia Avenue

Coral Gables, FL 33134

Phone: 305-444-4648

Fax: 305-444-1128

this much has been accomplished with less than 20 responses from us just think if we hit the 1000 mark if you care please respond with the list at the beginning of this thread and send emails to the ones in big daddys post on here. Lets show some solidarity here.
My reply to the above response from swfwmd & fwc

Ms. Borrelli: Thank you for your response. I have to disagree this is very much about the SPEIGHT PROPERTY which is where the SHADY OAKS boat ramp is located. This site exists and is safe to use , unless you have destroyed the ramp lately, NO CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED, NO FEASIBILITY STUDY REQUIRED, it is above the level of the intended lake level increase and we could use it now not years from now. Please consider this option it is extremely viable and makes tremendous common sense, which I realize is usually the last consideration in any government project. I can make that statement with a certain level of understanding because I am a surveyor who submits projects for swfwmd review. I utilize several ramps established by swfwmd and they are fine for me because I use an airboat however they are no more than mud ramps and normal boats have no option of using them. If they can be opened up why can't SHADY OAKS be opened up?? It has paved road access, a shell parking area already exists, the concrete ramp is present, the airboat area is present I don't understand what the hold up could be. Just put up a sign, unlock the gate and let us in. Thank you John D. O'Neill