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I wonder where people get their ideas about airboaters?

Root Pass

Well-known member
I know this is old but I was searching the internet and found this article from 1998. I couldn't believe they printed the crap this guy was saying.

Skimming the Surface
Continued from page 2
Published: April 16, 1998

"Believe me, the rangers would just as soon that we weren't here," scoffs biologist Ron Jones. "They'd just as soon shoot us as allow our researchers into the park. Rangers don't like people in their park. They think it's their park. That's their attitude. It's the ranger way." As he speaks, Jones is about to climb into an airboat, six miles inside the park boundary, on the tram tour road that winds south from the park's Shark Valley visitor center.

http://www.miaminewtimes.com/1998-04-16 ... -surface/3
yea its always good to have somebody from oregon telling us what good for the glades go back to the great north west and look for bigfoot i think he may be depress about the grunge rock movement the glades will be fine as soon as swiftmud leaves it alone :evil: