Got it in the bag, Guys n Gals.
Old school = Grumman or Old Town
DaddyDave / RedNeck U = Ghenoe with elevated Paul Dixon 36hp Oarist remote cooling system.
("Occifer, I swear the prop is just for Oarist cooling. I had holt of d paddle, it twisted for no rezon and da nex tang I knew, I was on d bike path and dis birder dude, he was kinda in the way and I tried to miss him, but, then there was this guy wearing a faux fur thingy, holdin a sine sayin Eat mo 'maters / Not mo 'gaters and I feared for my life or great bodily harm - and, and, the boat just crow hopped over an it flattened him. Deeze kanoes, yo just cain't never tell what dey gon do. It was an act of pure self dense."