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If Airboats Were Banned In Florida; A Back-up Plan?


Well-known member
Rick, that really was a nightmare....and you have way too much time on your hands! I can't wait until Marshbunny sees the new site!

Please have Teresa call me so I can offer her my sympathy for your current state of mind.

And cntry, if you are reading this, you are in a heap of trouble now for driving rick around the bend.

:D jim :D
AirboatRN":3m0msws3 said:
I can't wait until Marshbunny sees the new site!
uh oh :shock:

jim":3m0msws3 said:
Please have Teresa call me so I can offer her my sympathy for your current state of mind.
Teresa says that my ear muffs are a little too tight. :lol:
Sounds like a great back-up plan (NOT). I'm planning to get my generator out and put 2 canoes together and run 2 shop fans. It will be like the good ol days.............just shoot me in the head!!!!
Rick, your fun little site inspired me to think of some bumper stickers that we could sell. You've got a great sense of humor to make that up!

Here are a few bumper stickers and clichés I whipped up to help keep airboats from getting outlawed:

If airboats are outlawed, only outlaws will have airboats.

If an airboat got on plane and no one was around.... would it make any sound?

An airboat in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Wish in one hand, airboat in the other. See which one gets filled the first.

What goes around, airboats around.

Any airboat of yours is an airboat of mine.

It ain't over till the fat lady airboats.

He's got one foot on a banana peel, the other on an airboat.

Only two things certain in life... Death and airboats.

BUild a better mousetrap and the world will airboat to your door.

Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded airboat?

I now pronounce you man and airboat.

A fool and his airboat are soon parted.

A fool and his money are soon airboating.

Champagne taste and a beer airboat.

Money is the root of all airboats.


Yeah, and then..... a big monster came from outer space and he had secret airboat-detecting antennae..... yeah, and then when he detected an airboat he zapped it and turned it into a canoe..... yeah, and then all the airboaters got really scared and paddled away as fast as they could.... yeah, and then the monster went to Trudy's house and she petted him on the head and said "good monster"..... yeah, and then they both lived happily ever after..... the end.
Matt you're a trip indeed, maybe two trips :)

I'll vote for # 13 A Fool & His Airboat Are Soon Parted!

Thnx for the :D

Ya'll are some sick puppies now. Teresea I am so sorry that Rick slipped and hit his head, that has to be what caused this. Just so ya'll know I do own a gheenoe but the jet skis and bass boats are mean to me when I am in it so I choose my airboat. I really like my gheenoe it has a 5hp. motor and room for three or two and a picinic basket and tackle box. I used to use it for hunting cause you could slip right up on what you wanted to kill. See I am practical .. if they ban airboats I will put a silencer back on my rifle and pistol and get back to basics. The government showed me how to make a silencer so they must be ok with them don't ya think.
amazing, somebody really does have too much time on their hands....
thats really funny !!!! the wifey just came in and asked me what i was laughing about !

on the list i think im # 14
I've already got the engine stand figured out.
Does anbybody know the best way to mount dual rudders on a 12' old town?
Dual rudders?

Cowboy (alias: single rudder, palm beach, 4 cylinder, foot steering guy) is going to mount dual rudders on something? You need to have your wife take your temperature too!!

Just trying to turn over a new leaf Jim.
Thats why it would be a laid-up old town. Most might firgure me as a pre 1975 riveted aluminum grumman type guy, and I hate being that predictable.

Not sure if I could really resist the need for aluminum with rivets in it though. Hope I won't have to try.

I have the perfect canoe for you, it's a 1953 15 ft Grumman that we bought new. It is still water tight. You will never be happy with an old town.

Rick, you definitely have too much free time!

I am not offended - I have a GHEENOE, not a Canoe. Makes all the difference in the world!
Got it in the bag, Guys n Gals.

Old school = Grumman or Old Town

DaddyDave / RedNeck U = Ghenoe with elevated Paul Dixon 36hp Oarist remote cooling system.

("Occifer, I swear the prop is just for Oarist cooling. I had holt of d paddle, it twisted for no rezon and da nex tang I knew, I was on d bike path and dis birder dude, he was kinda in the way and I tried to miss him, but, then there was this guy wearing a faux fur thingy, holdin a sine sayin Eat mo 'maters / Not mo 'gaters and I feared for my life or great bodily harm - and, and, the boat just crow hopped over an it flattened him. Deeze kanoes, yo just cain't never tell what dey gon do. It was an act of pure self dense."