Greeting to all,
Just joined the KRVSA this month at the meeting, I have a 13' Predator with a 6 cyl lycoming, small but get the job done. I have been airboating about 2 yrs, most of my boat time has been out of Camp Mack. I run with a few of the locals, I am known as Laz. Or "What did you break this time" also. Just saying hello.
Just joined the KRVSA this month at the meeting, I have a 13' Predator with a 6 cyl lycoming, small but get the job done. I have been airboating about 2 yrs, most of my boat time has been out of Camp Mack. I run with a few of the locals, I am known as Laz. Or "What did you break this time" also. Just saying hello.