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Labor Day Thanks


Well-known member
Just be thankful that we live in a group of caring greatful people on this forum . Just like Cowboy said its like a club ,anytime you want to go somewhere . Somebody will say met me here I take ya .You break down, someones there helping , no problem . Need food its there . You can walk up anywhere in the marsh or woods . And they say hello sit down like you knew them for years ! need gas we will get you some ! It never ends . And best of all you need to know something . bet your butt some one will tell you what you need !Just to say this all came around with a guy a idea of a airboat ! I know people said ,something wrong with him he needs help ! And then a guy with a web site . You know hes touch, doing it for free . You know somethings wrong with him .Well any way Thanks Rick, very much and everbody on the forum . Just thinking about the plus we have in this world . Have a wonderful week end :D It could be very different :roll:Be thankful !Remember the word southern !
I agree with both of you guy's.
It's more than just a web-site. People trying to help eachother, cracking jokes on eachother, and sharing their airboating experience.

But when people who involve themselves with this site are willing to invest their time and money to travel, and ride with others who are doing the same....

Well thats more than just another web site.

People are the difference.

Maybe we all are just a bunch of airboating rednecks, but it's obvious to me.

Most airboaters are above average citizens.

Nice Topic Fatboy. Happy Labor Day to all.
A year ago I didn't really know where this website was headed. All I knew was that I loved airboats & knew a little about working on websites. I figured I'd try to put the two together and see if we could come up with something.

There's no doubt in my mind now what this site's all about.

It's all about the community.

SouthernAirboat.com is gonna go wherever you all decide to take it. I just work on the site.

Got to thinking about what Southern Airboat looked like a year ago, so I dug it out of the archives. Check this out:


Most of the links won't work, but look at that boat & driver. Look familiar?
Thank you Rick!

I contunue to be astonished by the depth of knowlege here. I have asked for and received detailed explanations comparing the characteristics of different styles of boats. You can ask a question about a hull design, an engine or just about anything else and someone will answer that question. Some of our members have owned and driven many types of boats and they share their knowlege with us. You can't get that anywhere else that I know of.

I am looking forward to getting a boat and joining you on the monthly rides.

Happy labor day weekend.

This group is more than a community to us. It is a family. A very large family. I feel I have developed lifelong friendships within the group. With more to come. This is an activity the entire family can participate in. There is a cleansing feeling when you are out in the marsh and the wind is tossing your hair about, a big Blue Heron takes flight 3 feet away from you. He isn't afraid of the big boat, he is letting you know he feels the same way you do in the marsh. Thank you Rick for putting your ideas to work. Have a safe and happy Labor Day.
I agree with you all. cchardt has never been happier. Sure there are people to talk to and ride with here but it is not the same. I have enjoyed meeting each and every one I have met and look forward to meeting all the others. I, too, feel like there are life long friendships here as well. Thanks Rick!!
Labor Day is the working persons holiday... it has become the official end of summer... President Grover Cleveland made it a national holiday in 1894.

It is fitting that we take a moment and thank Rick for the hard work he puts into this website. It is equally fitting to thank all who have worked so hard on the monthly runs setting them up. Adam you get a special thank you for your work setting up the "OPERATION AIRBOAT" for the troops and your wife and friends who undoubtedly had to work to pack all those boxes so they could be shipped out.

There are a lot of others who probably should be singled out for thanks as well when it comes to this site and what has become almost a second family for many members and maybe even a main family for a few. As in any family there is supervision, guidance, good natured kidding, sibling rivalry, and occasionally there are disagreements, but like all familys we stick together and that is important in this day and age of every person for themselves.

I am happy to be associated with this web site... no its more than that... THIS AIRBOAT CLUB/FAMILY may it live long and prosper and may the flow of knowledge and advice all ways continue.

This site and its members have made me a far richer person over the past year - richer for the experiences, knowledge gained, friendships formed and positions taken.

Thank You, Rick - Thank You All.

Please pray for our members gone west, for Passtime and the LA Gang and for those in peril on this Labor Day.

Heard today that Terri Latner and the group from GTO helped move 3,000 people out of a stranded hospital. GodSpeed and Good Luck SAO Members!!!!!
Cowboy- I'm with you. This is more than just a website. It's a gathering of folks of like mind, with a passion for life and a passion for airboats. We are good people!

And futhermore, there is nothing wrong with airboating rednecks--fact is everything is right with it. We are Southern Airboaters and proud of it!

I enjoyed meeting all of ya'll on the Operation Airboat ride in Melbourne. Hope to join you again on the next monthly ride. Everyone have a safe and relaxing Labor Day weekend.
A World of Thanx for Rick & Family :)

I see posting timed in the wee hours when most folks are snoozing away.
Such willingness & determination is unfound in other websites we visit & believe it has brought to us the respect & dedication we enjoy here at SouthernAirboatDotCom.

Sincere thanks to each & all,

Gben & Family
This website has come a very long way, i can honestly say that. My father in law has done a really great job and he spends a great deal of time on here making it better all the time. So, from the southernairboat.com family, we love everybody and thatnk all of you who have helped it come so far. Rick really enjoys this and is happy the website has done well and he has met some really good people.