BigBoom Is right on the flex pipe. The FAA proposed legislation will require a "stock, factory type muffler."
We have made many friends of elected officials who see we are trying to help solve problems from within rather than do nothing &
wait for those who don't know to act for us. (Like they did in 1988 with the arbitrary 90 dB @ 50'. We had no say because WE DID NOT SHOW! They wrote it anyway.)
By acting, we will not end up like the net fishermen who are banned by Constitutional Amendment.
When attacked, my view is with Gen. Forrest . (below)
FAA Proposed Legislation :
There are 5 parts to our proposed legislation. I'll be brief in the explanation of each part.
1) We propose 94 dB @ 100'. The state's enabling act lists 90 dB .@ 50' that counties may adopt. While the state testing showed most vessels equipped with mufflers can operate 90 dB @ 50' while on a plane, none could achieve a plane within 90 dB. The 94 dB @ 100' will give us breathing room and numbers to work with.
2) We propose SAE J 1970 Testing Standards. We do not wish to have arbitrary testing. However, where problems exist, we want testing available via professional equipment, with testing conducted at the property or water line drawing complaints.
3) We propose "Factory Type" Mufflers. We want the 4dB of sound reduction automotive mufflers offer.
4) We propose a Definition of an Airboat in the Statues. Currently, there is no definition of an airboat on the part of the state.
5) We propose an Anti-Discrimination statement in the statues. This is a very important clause and will be a hurdle to our opponents and stop airboat specific laws in the counties. This may prove to override current discriminatory rules by the counties. Airboats will be governed as just another vessel.
Manatee County
If you want to see a copy of the Manatee County ordinances, drop me a line & I'll forward the file.................
No Airboat operation between 6 PM & 8 am..................
We will lose airboating not by one pen stroke but county by county.