well here it is.while loadin the boat up I stop on top of the porch steps and slide out of my flipflops landing on the next step with my big toe folded up underneath my foot talk about hurt.Neadless to say my thoughts left what i was supposed to do and went to soakin my toe in the run.
Met up with hogskinner at O'Brians restaruant for breafast .and upon returning to my truck I had remembered that I had forgot to air up a low tire on the boat trailer .yea tire was ruint .With no spare ,hogskinner offered me his but I had to declined ,we Jacked it up and removed the buggered up tire and rim and went on I just love tandem torsion axles.By this time I was wondering what else my sore toe made me forget.Boat Plug,garbage bag,
With all the bad luck I was ready for some good Hogskinner and I put in at Blue Creek ramp in the rain and proceeded to the bridge were we were joined by Bubba Cindy,Merl and Susie, and chris drove up in his toytoa to the bridge.after for hours of beer ,barbque and stand in the cool clear water my toe was feeling much better .It was feeling good enough to make a run to the pasture.So off we went.Upon arriving at the pasture hogskinner just had to show us how his old cadi dd could run the hill and it did.
While sittin on the pasture I thought back on how the day started out and how it was now ending and like always I caught myself wishing it not to end.
ps toes better goin to lose the nail though