Slidin Gator
Well-known member
That is certainly a good possibility. I have a generator that kept randomly shutting down. At first I thought my camper AC was overloading it when starting the compressor but it kept doing it without a load. After tearing it apart twice I found a wire from the shutdown switch was chaffed and just randomly grounding out sending it into shutdown mode.I spoke with Sallie Floyd with American Airboats. She stated she had a very similar issue with another customer; they replaced the crankshaft sensor and sent the customer on their way...did the same thing a few days later. They ultimately found that a wire that comes out of the area of the crankshaft sensor runs along the motor mounts inside a plastic sleeve, they put a pigtail and some new wiring and solved the problem - They think the wiring was chaffed inside the plastic sleeve. I'm the furthest thing from a mechanic, so please read this with that understanding LOL!
Intermittent electrical issues are the hardest to troubleshoot.