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Location, Location, Location


Well-known member
Hey y'all. Can someone post some GPS numbers of some on these ramps that are being mentioned? Punching in the numbers on a search site is easier than getting driving directions. I'd like to start making an aerial map (if possible) of the general area.

Airboat4fun? You probably have what I need on this.


Mood when I was with Airboat4fun at 3a I saved the track we ran so I will see if I can get you some numbers
Come on who needs GPS numbers. Just ask a local they will tell you just turn right at the Johnson’s farm and then hang a left where the Smiths use to live then it’s right on the other side of where the old Oak Tree use to be.

I can post or forward the GPS coordinates for the launch area to you for posting.

The camps down here in the Everglades are actually like peoples homes! I would not suggest posting these numbers on the internet for privacy's sake. I would not like my home address posted for all the crazies on the internet to see as well.

Not to worry though, the camps are pretty easy to find once someone has shown them to you!

I like the directions you gave Water and the sad thing is, it is the truth because you know it is done that way here. :lol:
Hey ya'll,

Here's a few GPS numbers for some spots that might be helpful.

1) Alligator Alley 38 mile marker interstate off ramp, (boat launch to 3A South)

North 26' 08' 39.8 by West 080' 38' 16.8

2) Alligator Alley 41 mile marker interstate off ramp, (boat launch to 3A South).

North 26' 08' 55.9 by West 080' 43' 09.2

3) 41 mile marker boat ramp from the water.

North 26' 06' 31.7 by West 080" 41' 00.2

I believe that Larry was in agreement with the 41 mile marker being the most logical place to launch the boats from, (much closer ride to the camps). My offer stands for anyone in Southern Airboat to arrive here and spend the night in Naples and follow us to the ramp early Saturday morning.

Mood/Dakota don't worry about firewood I got about a cord of cured cypress from Wilma ready to go!

Thanks Jeff. You know where we will be Friday night and according to the message swampjet posted about the FAA meeting is that it is by some ramp, not sure if it is the same ramp you guys are talking about, and hopefully it does not last as long as the last one. But we will see.

Our doors are always open for ya'll!

The ramp that Swampjet speaks of is just down the road a few miles, (not a big deal).

Just a reminder to all...gas stations are a ways out from the ramp! Bring extra fuel from wherever but here! ($2.44 for regular unleaded about everywhere down here on the West coast).
