Good one Terri!

I like the way he refers to airboat
sound instead of airboat 'noise'. Unless he says that on purpose like he's playing both sides of the fence, it gives a little clue to his own personal stance on the issue.
After I spoke to him this morning on the phone, I dropped him a little thankyou note for taking my call. Of course, as when around ANY fwc officer, I still inqure about working there. I could not pass up the chance when talking to Capt. Moore. The desire to work there is growing in me again. And I had a chance to meet "the boss".
I was a little surprised to get a note back from him... and I especially liked the
positive tone both in the voice conversation and his email. I thought I'd share that here too... I know many are really down on the FWC, and while they've not been quite as low in my book, they are quickly making good points from my point of view.
He echoes some of the stuff Big Daddy mentions, and goes a little further too. And this is info straight from the boss horse's mouth! (No disrespect to Capt. Moore, of course)
I think there are some clues here as to what is in the report.
below is his reply and below that my original note to him:
From: "Moore, Richard" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 13:24:31 -0400
To: Matt Hasty <>
Cc: "
Subject: RE: thanks for the phone call
First on the airboat issue, I don't think the legislature would stand for a ban of airboats in Florida, and that it what it would ultimately take for something that drastic to happen. It is critical, though, that airboaters work hard to reduce sound levels. There is no "silver bullet" to solve the problem, but I and many others are convinced that there are several incremental steps that can be taken to reduce, if not eliminate, the dissatisfaction expressed nearly every day by waterfront homeowners and traditional boaters in Florida. Putting on good quality, quiet mufflers is a good first step. Traveling at slower speeds, especially around homes will also help. Finally, avoiding the temptation to run dry, power load, and stomp on the throttle to get on plane all make a big difference in the overall sound levels generated by airboats.
We need individuals who are avid airboaters to help convince other airboaters to modify behavior some. This will help reduce the airboat sound conflict and make everyone's lives better.
As far as getting in touch with a recruiter, I have copied Officer Kathleen Kelley who works as our recruiter (among other duties) in your area. I suspect she will initiate contact with you to follow up on your request.
Thanks for your support.
Captain Richard Moore
Boating Law Administrator
FWC Division of Law Enforcement
-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Hasty []
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:35 AM
To: Moore, Richard
Subject: thanks for the phone call
Capt. Moore -
Just a note to say how very impressed I am that you answered your own phone, and had the answer to my question right at hand. I am a very responsible boater, and this noise issue seems to have a veiled goal of banning airboats altogether. Speaking to you today, not only put my own mind at ease, but many of my airboating friends too.
I wish I could have gone into much more detail about my thoughts of applying for an enforcement position. I do have one quick qustion you may be able to answer:
How well do you think a 44 year old man would do in your program?
If you have any recruiters I would love to talk to them. Please forward this message to them. Every time I see an officer out in the field, I make a point to ask him or her how they like their job. I get a wide array of answers. Mostly positive though
thanks again. I'm always impressed by a true class act.