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LQ4 with Long Crank, Fitting to a CH4?

Hey guys,

I have spent the past 4 months building a motor and boat. I purchased an LQ4, put a stage 3 high lift cam, Oil pump, Springs, rods, timing chain, with a Holley Terminator X. This was my first motor build so I have been teaching myself as I was going along, there has been many hickups but it has been all in the good fun of a learning experience and preparing me to build my next one. It is coming down to the final couple days of the build... and I find out that my specific year of LQ4 has a longer crank. Which is the problem I have been trying to solve of why I cannot get the Century CH4 lower shaft to bolt up to the flex plate. (I have a JW dished wheel as well as a stock. Neither will bolt up) The gap between the flat flexplate and the lower assembly plate is over an inch. If i put on the Dished plate the century spacers fit perfectly but the starter does not reach when engaged.

Anyone have any insight to this problem?

If I find a starter that has a long enough throw to reach the flexplate, will the Century housing still fit and bolt to the block?
Can I use a flat Flex plate (like the stock) and just machine custom spacers that are alomst 2x as thick as the stock century spacers.
Do i need to swap the Crank with a LS1 crank?
I am I S.O.L and should just buy another motor and start over. (I really really really don't want to do this option)

First water test was aimed for this weekend, Looks like that will have to be put on hold :(

I can post up whatever pictures are needed
That is odd.. The added length of the crank should have put you in the exact same spot as a sbc. Are you sure you have the correct flexplate for that year engine with the extended crank? a quick google search said you have to use Pioneer flexplate FRA-452 for that setup. Then the box should bolt right up with the standard century spacers and the same goes for the starter. It needs to be from that exact year truck for everything to work. That's what I gather anyways..