Yeah Marshmaster,
I have the Bendix s-200 "shower of sparks" mags on my 200 lycoming.
It is actually an old system that was popular years ago.
It uses a main set of points in each mag for normal running, but has an extra set in one mag for starting. The extra set is the retard points, and comes into play only during starting.
These mags are direct coupled with no impulse, and have a starting vibrator mounted remotely from the mag. when you hit the starter the vibrator energizes the condenser and coil with battery power at a retarded timing to ease the starters life. This sytem will actually buzz the plug with multiple sparks as long as the rotor in the mag is lined up with that particular plug.
Once the engine fires, the main points take over.
Impulse coupled mags rely on the impulse coupling to retard the timing, and snap the mags rotor over faster that the starters rpm. At those reduced rpm's on the starter, the mags can't generate a decent energy, and need to be sped up to provide decent spark for starting.
Both systems are basically accomplishing the same task, but the shower of spark will provide a couple of seperate arcs during one firing.
Most people give up on the shower system as the vibrators are all mechanincal, and can be problematic. I installed a slickstart system which is all solid state, and is a direct replacment for the expensive starting vibrators. It has cured all my starting problems so far, and I am waiting to see how long the unit lasts.
I know one salty airboater who had a carborated lyc 360 w/ shower of sparks mags on it. He could actually disable his starter, prime the cylinder by pulling through a stroke or two, and set his crank timing mark. Then he would hit the shower of sparks, the engine would fire and run from that one cylinder touching off, whithout the starter. Anyway I thought that to be most impressive.
I am going to have to check into that system that Rick posted. Looks interesting to me.