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Well, I've bought a couple issues of Airboat World over the last year.

All I can say is, I'm not impressed. Little to no tech info, less than stellar photography, poor writing/editing and certainly not enough pages.

Is there another publication that is a little higher in quality?

If not, I suppose I will be content to read this site. It's great!

There you go red thinking technical again heck it is a miracle that they even get it published regular there for a long time you never knew when or if it was coming out at least know it comes out fairly regular
LOL, yeah, maybe I should just send in an article with some photos
Yeah Red,

My April Fools day went just hunky dory after Buddy took off with the only copy of Airboat World I had.

Was just by the Shell at Orange Heights Wed pm & they had abt 12-15 copies left, no prob. Cranked the jeep up this am I decided to hop on over that way with a stop at Keystone & one at Melrose.

No joy, not a trace of one left :(
Guy said a lady bought the last four a few minutes earlier. Been different if I had read my copy but nope mine went north!

Stopped at abt ten on the way back, still no joy. In retrospeck if I was in the business of distribution in anything like that I would have a running list of where & when you could get one on the website.

The punishment you get this day by subscribing to anything is 150 or so others trashing your mailbox via the junkies mailing lists.

And yep, could be better & believe they will in time if where they are is not kept as a great secret.

Thanx, Gben

The editor of airboat world is a member here. You could pm him and ask for a copy.

I'll leave it to you to figure out who he is. He is not hiding.

Thanx cracker jim,

And now will the real Airboat World please stand up.

And if there is anyone left please remain seated during this entire event.

Thank you very much,

If y'all think it's bad now , y'all should have been a suscriber a couple years ago. It has come a long way in the past 12-18 months. It now shows up on a regular basis. It has good articles with new sponsors. They are always lookin for "GOOD" articles so don't be afraid to contribute !!!!!!! Pictures would also be a real good contribution !!!!!!!! Don't complain, be a good guy and help em out. I know i always enjoy reading it when it shows up. Always like to read articles from the real people in the woods.
Gbenzx":aiubmr62 said:
Was just by the Shell at Orange Heights Wed pm & they had abt 12-15 copies left, no prob.

Man that's about 3 miles from me!

I got my last copy at Books-a-Million
Gebenz, Hey, If you need a copy that bad, I'll mail you mine. Long time subscriber, and if they can't get you one, or you can't find it in the archives at the web site, http://www.airboatworld.com send me a message back and I'll mail it to you.

Didn't know we were treadin on your home ground. :)
Guy from Lakeland, Curtiss, he's a trucker & told us he saw them there so we stopped by coming back from Ocala.

Melrose was once a regular sense Pappa used to own couple thousand acres of Levy Praire. It was the Chesser family he bought from if you know abt them.

Do ya'll ride Paynes Praire & where do you put in & how abt any restrictions. That's where we used to get wild horses to train for our cattle rustling :( in abt 4 counties. Not really, I mean roundup sense we had abt 600 head at the time. Pappa always wanted the fastest & wildest colts & we had to run them down & catch em with the rope.

Alsways loved it as a kid & wanted to go back there sometime.


I really thank you for the offer but Daughterlaw told me just last nite on the phone she was mailing mine back from North Carolina.

Thanx guys, Gben
paynes praire is beautiful but you need to be under 5 HP to run it I forget which forest road but I do know its about 6 miles north of 40 on 19 theres a sign and it on the left before salt springs
Have taken it from the start,good reading, but wish thy would do a prop. test.
GBENZX, I mostly ride with my friends on Orange Lake

I know right where Levy Prarie is, I used to mud bog near the edge of it.

When I get my boat I want to do a lot of fishing on Santa Fe since that is home. Hopefully I can keep from sinking it in the deep 8)