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March 11,2006


Well-known member
March 11,2006
Day Ride
Leaving Loughman 9:00am,going to Lone Cabbage and back.
All Invited :twisted:
Thanks Rick,We will probably have to run the channel from Bear Bluff through Lake Cane to 50.Because I dont think all boats will be able to make through Super Hwy. :idea:
Unfortunatly this weekend an airboat went down in the channel between Bear Bluff and Lk Cane.Myself and a buddy will find a safe route for us to take on 3/11/06 ride.We are going to check it this Saturday.
Just a reminder,All invited,Day ride leaving Loughman around 900am.Heading south thru Lake Cane to Lone Cabbage for lunch and back to Loughman for dinner.
We were going to maybe try and meet you at Lone Cabbage but some things came up and we will be unable to. I hope you guys have fun.