I like that one, seen better but .I always like to take a hammer to mine every once in a while, the cage kept getting in the way .I would cover the ex -pipes on that one . I like simple things .You can tune run it and play with it .With out bleeding .Just didnt like sticking my body threw the back even with no battery around anywhere.Just my thing.If got kids that love your boat and listen like mine , maybe a full cage in you future. :lol:If not The good thing ,you and them will know what to touch from then on and what not too :shock:The one i want to build is on pics a a d- back and it covers the pipes . i will look for it .Its like the you had stop fast and the motor come threw the cage about half way .Looks cool you can still work on it still , child freindly sort of , Still need a door for filter. But if thats your only concern .simple fix! :idea:The boat ,is on page sixteen on the bottom of page .The red one .Pictures here on this site. that is what i want ,except a 502 in there .