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Motor work needed


Well-known member
i've had the HARDEST time trying to find the kit to replace the helicoil on my 220gpu. the spark plug that i've got is an autolite 386 which registers in the book as an 18mm, but upon buying the new coil, 18mm is too big. is there anyone who knows of a gpu mechanic somewhere around central florida (lakeland area to be a little more specific) that would change that out so i dont have to fool with it any more?
JC Stanley cell(407)927 9701/ shop (407)678-2684
Jim lauderdale cell (352)266-2374 phone (352)569-1066
this has turned into the biggest ordeal. i talked to NAPA and the make a kit to do it, but they want like $140 for it, and thats crazy for something that i'll HOPEFULLY only use once, haha, but you know the airboater's luck