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Name Change: Swampjet no more

Daddy Dave

Well-known member
To all SAO members, for reasons soon to be obvious - on or before October 08 at the Bus:

Swampjet that was - Is now Yeller Feller forevermore

Had the great privilege to run with CCAA El Presidente Hoover on Sunday all over the amazing Lake Hernando marsh island wonderland. He was breaking in his new Hoss - make that his new Boss Hoss. It's Yeller He's now the Yeller Feller
I refuse to give up "Swampjet" -- have become quite fond of that name. Yes, I run a yeller airboat with a yeller detailed JC Stanley 0520. And DaddyDave can call me anything he wants to -- long as he calls me.

Had a good ride Sunday -- lots of fun. Even took it to the top of the grove, which is probably one of the highest points in the Hernando chain. Way more than just a hill!

Looking forward to having that yeller boat at the FAA meeting and the ride to follow. This will be my first opportunity to put names with faces for so many of you SAO guys and gals! See ya there...