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Need an estimated head / boat count for "Got Milk?&quot

Daddy Dave

Well-known member
Getting to the point where we need some sort of estimate of the number of hungry mouths expected for "Got Milk?". I know plans sometimes change, but I've got to order the Uncle John's Pride sausages for the cookout. Could ya'll speak up, Please??

Larry Lunsford of KRVSA is building an expanded metal grill for our use. It will be about 30" X 48" and will be on legs. So, there will be plenty of grille cook surface. There has been an offer of a considerable amount of gator chunks, and we are trying to work through the fryer needs right now.

My bride of 27 years is building a few Key Lime pies for our covered dish contribution. We are almost at the illegal submerged fence post / wife in the water anniversary and this will be her first after dark run since then. Be gentle with her.
2 people 1 boat

I havent thrown my lady off the boat by hitting anything but it was at the bus where I broke a motor mount and the prop came towards the seat the engine hit us in the back the stand buckled the radiator ripped open and she still won't ride on the top seat unless it is an emergency you know like a good lookin lady wanting a airboat ride that kind of an emergency LOL. Hopefully there will be no repeat of my worst evening at the bus.
1 Orange Boat
3 People

I will be bringing some type of dish, just not sure yet on what it will be.
We will bring a little $ for the plate lunch.

See you guys there.
Nicole and Me will be there with her soon to be world famous Chocolate chip cookies.

CNTRY...it must be something about that area cause on Nicole's first time out I hit a submerged myrtle tree (after the hurricanes) at the end of the pig trail and she fell out of the seat :shock: I still hear about that!!!

BPS I think I hit the stump you left behind of that same tree, I was runnin between two other boats in the dark at about 35 or 40 mph and swerved but not quite enough and was airborne for about 30 or 40' and that is the only dent in the bottom of my boat. but if you runem you will dentem beats the heck outta re-glassin though.
Based on how today started, Cntry, please bring Advil and PeptoBismol. Also, a tube of Super Glue so that - if I can find it - I can replace the hairs I just pulled ou uf my fairly bald head. :roll: :roll: :? :?
Big D I always have advil but since I fired all my employees a few years ago I havent used the old pepto much or tums either.
Laura is gonna kill me for sayin' this... And your wives will no doubt be loading their firearms when they read this too....

This is just a good example of WHY you guys need to keep you wives on leashes!

:) Ladies! It's a joke!!! You would not fall out of the boat then! hahaha...


Time for me to run and hide now. :twisted:

Maybe 2 airboats with 5 people but at least 1 airboat and 2 people.

Cntry, you joke about my seat belt...see they would at least feel better if they had one on.
Teresa & I on my boat for now. I think I may add a few more with a couple riders each by the end of the week.
Hey Moodfood, I won't kill you for saying that. I'll just torture you slowly for years about it. And you'd better hide! And you'd better watch your back out there in the swamp... I've heard that airboaters just disappear and are never heard from again. Hmmmm.... I wonder if they ever mentioned anything about "wives on leashes" before they mysteriously disappeared?
Waterthunder, Matt is in WAY more trouble than any of those innocent people you mention!
Just jokin'. :roll: Matt, you'd have to catch me first before you could get a leash on this gal! And I'm WAY faster than you!
Really though, we all know who's on leashes around here, don't we? It's not wives, you can bet on that!
MOOD! You should be scared....really scared. I have to agree with Laura...we know who wears the leash in the family. :twisted:

A1 with a count system like that its easy to see why you wear a setbelt. LOL

Matt: Your doo is weak buddy mighty weak and I thjought I didnt know when not to say anything.

Thunder even I ducked when I read that one he put out there.
1/2 boat,one white trash condo, 2 people ,$10.00 , something on the side and no leash( lol stan)
That's why I'm in Sales ,Cntry. No ,I just don't know if my brother in law will make it back from out west.
Well, I was thinking of one of those "full body" leashes. Not leather around the neck. That'd be dangerous! We love our ladies, and would not want to EVER see them hurt! THATS what I meant.

But in light of several accidents out there, a map of where accidents have occured would be a good thing!

How would we mark where these accidents have happened?

Maybe like this?...


Hey, just poking some fun at the absurd sexism that is out there. If I can laugh at a woman saying "The quickest way to a man's heart... is thru the middle of his chest"... I hope our favorite gender can get a chuckle out of this.

I like when a lot of ladies show up at our rides! And I encourage MORE to show up... even if its to beat me up. :shock:

Sucking up won't help you now, mister moodfood! You've already got both feet in up to the knees. And what's up with the stick-figures? Are you planning where to dump someone? Hmmm? I'm definitely keeping a close eye on you!
Now, Now, kids.....we don't want to make Big Daddy pull out all his hair!! I think we have all gotten a little off topic. :D I really hope we'll have more than 6 or 7 boats show up this saturday.
