Well you have good cylinder pressures so you can move on. The good news is that would have been the hardest and most expensive thing to fix. If you have a pyrometer check your header temps when the motor is running this will tell you immediately if a cylinder is too rich or too lean. If you don’t have one do it the old redneck way and lick your finger tips and very quickly just touch the header tubes on the cylinders just to make sure their all firing. If any header tubes are cold then you have an ignition problem such as bad wire, cap, or plug. If the tubes are hot you know their firing and you have a jetting problem. If the jetting is that inconsistent between cylinders it will be hard to find the problem. If two plugs are dead white it could just be a vacuum leak or a carb problem that is leaning out just those two cylinders. When you looked at your spark plugs was the porcelain bright white and the ground strap was a greenish, goldish color if so they were firing and are too lean. Since the white plugs come out of 1 and 4 and ’m sure you are running a dual plane intake. Look at your intake and see if one and four run off the same carb barrel on some dual planes they do. You could just have an open vacuum port or a venturi booster not flowing properly inside the carb. If you want look at you two white plugs and your intake runner layout and let me know what ya find.