So I have my new hull ready for poly. Steel flex is on and cured. Planning on bolting the leading edge and riveting the remainder. The hull is a Circle H 12 x 8. The flat measures 64" across where it is broke. 64" is front to rear. I'm planning on running the poly all the way to the rake. 57" back from the rake is where they pie cut it to narrow the nose. 5/16 thick. Poly is 80" wide so it can cover up the break on either side. Here's my question.
Would you
A: keep the poly in one piece and pie cut it in the front at the 57" mark and fold it up the sides from there back
B: rectangle cut 64" wide the length and use separate pieces for the breaks
C: just cover the 64" flat and not worry about the breaks.
I can get it to fold up the sides with a little persuasion but where the pie cut is and weld starts it won't lay correct and wants to be an azzhole! I mostly run the Peace River and not sure the breaks are warranted but hate not using as much of that expensive black chit as possible! Any and all advice/opinions are welcome.
Would you
A: keep the poly in one piece and pie cut it in the front at the 57" mark and fold it up the sides from there back
B: rectangle cut 64" wide the length and use separate pieces for the breaks
C: just cover the 64" flat and not worry about the breaks.
I can get it to fold up the sides with a little persuasion but where the pie cut is and weld starts it won't lay correct and wants to be an azzhole! I mostly run the Peace River and not sure the breaks are warranted but hate not using as much of that expensive black chit as possible! Any and all advice/opinions are welcome.