I am about to open a hunting and outdoor supply store in the next 3 to 4 months and would like to carry airboat supplies as well, I find it a pain to have to run all over the place to find different things, and would like to carry a variety of items to have a more convienent store for everyone in the area to go to.
What are some of the common items yall would like to see in the store?
I allready plan on getting frogging and gator hunting equip. as well as hog hunting supplies, but i need some input on what airboat items and parts you guy's would like to see.

What are some of the common items yall would like to see in the store?
I allready plan on getting frogging and gator hunting equip. as well as hog hunting supplies, but i need some input on what airboat items and parts you guy's would like to see.