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I had some family issues to attend to this weekend so I didn't get to play until late Sunday. Anyway I took my boat out with the new bottom on it and WOW I forgot how great it use to run. With a new bottom it's like having a new boat again. I added a 1/8 more of epoxy in the rear and now it proposes while cruising so I'm going to have to grind off about a 1/16 or so. But at WOT she is running again. Now it's back to just tapping the gas to drive across dry ground again. It's amazing how much faster the boat is with slick bottom over bare aluminum. No wonder why everyone who races parks their boat within ten feet of the water. When we went ridding Sunday I took the most Northern survey trail around Lake Washington and you can tell very few people have been down it this year, I had to put my daughter on the foot stand behind my seat to keep all the branches and trees from hitting her. We had an awesome ride from Bulldozer to Pointset. Can't wait till this weekend!