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News Article: Noisy nuisance or recreational pleasure?


Airboats are a big part of Citrus County's boating community and tourism industry. But for residents living along the water . . .

Here's the rest: -http://www.baynews9.com/content/36/2005/2/13/71415.html-
All they need is 10 to 20 more retirees to move in and then they will have enough power to change our life style. To bad the environmentalist’s don’t protect the indigenous humans like they protect indigenous animals. If they did the environmentalists would prevent our natural environment from being changed by a non indigenous species like the (dreaded northern retiree) also know as the snow bird. Because the native species (us crackers) are being removed from our natural environment and when this happens our species will eventually become extinct. Just think if we were a bird our airboating rights would be protected over any human rights no mater what the cost.

Life long St Johns River rat!
(endangered species)
I am close to one of the county commissioners,personal friend as well as supported him at elections time. In addition, I know 1 of the other commissioners currently serving.
The county is discussing the current noise ordinance due to some complaints by local residents.
This isnt the time for name calling, but we need to present "our" side to the elected officials. What should we be telling them? How many airboatowners in the state?
Please help me out, facts and figures, to sell our position. What is current
average deicbels on a muffler equipped boat? This 90 db threshold, can it be obtained? How does this compare to some of the loud motorcycles on the road? Anyone have deicbel readings on this? Is it reasonalbe to have quiet hours, say between midnight and 6 am, or is this too restrictive?
How many people are disturbed by nuisance dog barking? Should dogs be outlawed? Any thoughts?

I agree that those with a problem with airboats are most likely those who've moved to these areas for the pleasant winter climate. Unfortunatly most people don't do enough homework before deciding on a spot to set down roots. It's like the person who house hunts on weekends, finds a place the family loves, moves in, and is shocked by rush hour grid lock the first week day they're there.
Airboating is a part of FL history almost as old as the gasoline engine itself. There are responsible ways in which to do anything but the right to run an airboat should not be limited by those who simply do not like them. I would not vote for quite hours as an option for abatement as many who own airboats use them to frog and fish. These activities especialy frogging or bow fishing are done at night. As a compromise one could suggest "Idle Zones" in areas known to effect non-airboaters.
I grew up living very near the Palm Beach International Airport and no one had much of a problem with the airplanes or the airplane noise. Everyone there knew that where there's a fire there's smoke. Nobody explained that one to Donald Trump when he purchased Mara Lago but he cried hard enough and threatened enough litigation to get changes made to the whole community to better suit his life style. Now we live on the right of way of the FEC railroad. Guess what, trains are noisy, but we knew that when we moved in so we don't complain and we don't want to shut down the rail line.
The commissioners considering a noise ordinance I would hope are considering an ordinance for, ALL NOISE, not just airboat noise. A noise ordance should not be exclusive to Airboats only. To be fair it should apply to as one mentioned loud motorcycles, as well as, barking dogs, loud music, kids playing, noisy cars, crying babies, church bells, etc. Airboats and airboaters should not be unfairly singled out.
I am glad to see these issues being talked about here and a healthy debate starting for those on both sides of the issue. I will, and would encourage any airboater, to help the folks in Citrus, FL with this debate. If I can write a letter, call a commissioner, or attend a town hall meeting I will do my best.
To flboy: How about using your influence with the Citrus County Commissioners to help get that proposed noise ordinance stopped. We just sent a letter on Wednesday to the BOCC with a whole list of reasons why the state-proposed vessel noise restrictions ordinance won't work, and a suggested alternative to solve the problem. If you'll email me directly, I can send a copy of that letter to you. Or you can read it online at the Current Issues page of the club's website: -http://www.citrusairboat.org/currentissues.html-

To Water Pussy: A copy of that letter has already been sent to you, in response to your direct offer of help by email. Glad to have you on board!

To everybody else: We need your help, too. You don't have to be a resident of Citrus County to be affected by the actions of the County Commission in this matter. Please speak up.

Bob Hoover, Citrus County Airboat Alliance President
It's "Woods Pussy" Mr. Hoover, and thank you and Mrs. Hoover for sending me a copy of a very fine letter. I will do my best to help, and again encourage others to help too.
To WOODS Pussy: Sorry about the name change. That posting and this one are both by MRS. Swampjet. Could I just call you "Forest Cat" instead? :oops: Maybe I should just leave the posting to my husband. But then, what's a good secretary (and wife) worth if she won't handle the administrative tasks and correspondence while he's out making the living...

Mrs. Swampjet