Finally getting around to a follow-up. I laid down the Benjamins for a 72 inch NGQ and I have to say, hands down the best prop I've run. Between my two aircraft boats (both of which ran the same SV540), I've run an Excalibur, 6 blade Warp, 6 blade Saber, 5 Blade RazorX and now the NGQ. All of them 72 inches. The Saber was probably too much prop so while I like it for it's incredible smoothness, I don't believe I got to experience all it had to offer. I bought the RazorX after I had run the Saber and followed others advice and got a 5 blade. I have to admit, I loved that prop but it just didn't work well with my current setup. The original prop I ran was the Excalibur, which I loved until I didn't. It had great push, cruise was excellent and I could run over 70 top end (GPS). The Warp was also a loaner, as was the Saber, when I didn't love the Excalibur anymore and while it had nice low speed characteristics (super smooth and quiet), I just couldn't deal with the high speed whine. When I put the Thurman in the water, I gave the Excalibur another chance after I realized the RazorX wasn't going to work for me but there was still something missing, not to mention some lingering doubts about my application. I called Darrin at Sensenich and asked him about what prop he would recommend and he pushed me towards the NGQ. I have friends that run that prop and I've never heard anything negative. I ordered the prop from Tom Schmidt and he called me about about three weeks ago to tell me the prop was in. I was actually getting the boat ready to head to KCOL for a quick weekend trip and almost put off the installation until the following week but decided, what the heck. Tom's guys did a quick job of installing and pitching the prop and off we went. I liked the way it performed but didn't really push the envelope too much so didn't make up my mind one way or another. This past weekend, we ran the boat Friday, Saturday and Sunday, burning nearly 60 gallons running everything from dry to a two foot chop. I can honestly say the NGQ, at least for my setup, is the perfect do-everything prop. Great push, very economical cruise (we averaged close to 4 mpg), awesome acceleration and more top end than this old man needs. Some things are just timeless and I'm going to bet the NGQ will be one of them. Glad I got one before Sensenich takes it off the menu! Thank you Darrin!