Mr. Randy White
Assistant News Director
Gainesville, FL
Mr. White,
I have reviewed the text of your news report regarding this week's "Airboat Noise Demonstration" outside the Alachua County Governmental Center.
I understand this demonstration involved a whole flock of elected politicians and one particular public servant whose desire appeared to be to stage a press event to raise awareness of his own personal position of a controversial matter.
In my opinion, Sheriff Oelrich should / could have exercised better judgment in his action. He knew -- or should have known -- that no airboat would ever normally fire up in any downtown area, much less run at wide open throttle. By this knowledge, the demonstration was slanted to give an unrealistic impression to those who will soon vote on this issue and who were not experienced in airboat operation.
Florida Airboat Association - FAA - was on record before this press event asking only for a realistic and balanced portrayal of actual sounds generated from normal and ordinary airboat activities. FAA officials offered to volunteer their boats and experienced operators for this purpose. Instead, Alachua's head law enforcement public servant chose two airboats that were not equipped with typical mufflers -- thus further slanting the outcome.
It is often said that only one opportunity exists to set a first impression. Seems like Alachua's Sheriff had a predetermined conclusion regarding airboats in mind for Alachua County Commissioners, maybe because he is a lakefront property owner. And a result, several Alachua Commissioners, including its Chairperson made negative comments about airboats.
What we would hope in any future news coverage of such an event involving airboats, simple research be done before airing to identify legitimate objections and the presence of alternative views so that your viewers might have both sides to ponder.
Thank You for taking the time to review my comments.
Respectfully Yours,
Capt. Dave Markett