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october ride???


Silent Prop
R. I. P.
I am interested in going on the october ride but I will have to make plans to be able to get there. If there is any new info on where and when I would appreciate it.
Big Daddy, do you have any more intel on on the FAA meeting.

I am under the impression that SAO is trying to tie in with the FAA trail ride. Am I wrong? Last I heard, FAA was still meeting in Polk County but this was last week. I heard from Big Daddy this weekend that an idea for moving to Okeechobee was floating around. I will be able to help in some way for a Polk County ride but won't be able to make a long trip for October.

Rick, how about a new forum and a poll?

Some things Laura & I are considering whether we can go or not are:
• Gas prices
• If Laura can get that day off from her new job
• Gas prices
• 19 little things that need fixing on our old boat
• And how far a drive it'll be (gas prices)

I REALLY want to go ride again with everyone! But if we miss this one we will DEFINITELY make the next one. I'm looking forward to going in some cooler weather. But too late in the winter and I suppose the water level will be a little too low for us.

If for some reason Laura (or I) have to work on the day of the ride, and gas prices are too still to high for our meager budget, the one of us not working will probably drive (boatless) to the ride and hitch an open seat on someone else's boat and play photographer or something. Chipping in on gas of course. I hope it doesn't come to that though! :)

This month we're going to need the date ahead of time so we can make our plans (and budget).

Well as usual I probably wont make friends and influence people with this one BUT why let a little thing like that bother me now right...LOL

If we can plan our ride to coincide with the FAA great if not oh well it just wasn't meant to be. I am in favor of a central place as in central to the most members being able to make it I would vote central florida as in POLK county as in Lake kissimmee area some can put in at lake cypress some in hatch and some at camp mack or thomas landing. We could all meet at bull s-it hill or the yacht club(roof there and place to sit and cook) and take it from there there are trails for every type of boat and everyone can have a good time and not feel bad if they can't run a particular section. We could even meet at the ridge but no shade no seats no roof no tables but lots of parking.
I'll third that.....as long as it isn't Oct 22. Biketoberfest is that weekend and I already have plans.
Working diligantly on cloning my self so I can be at FAA ride, Okechobee, and Kissimmee all at once!

Too much work...

Kissimmee sounds fine.

Well, I guess I'll take the lead on this one...It sounds like at least 5 members want to do a Kissimmee Chain ride so here goes.

I say we meet on Oct 8th (a Sat.). Members can put in at any of the several ramps in the area and meet at a central location. B.S. Hill would work as well as the ridge and even the yacht club depending on the # of boats. We can then either form several small groups to go ride or stick together depending on the size ( I think CC would vouch for the diffuculty of keeping 30 boats together).

If this sounds good, would you want a day or night ride? Personnally, I say late afternoon into the evening but I'm game for anything.

Anything sounds great to me. I am new to airboating and live in the Fla Keys. After seeing the pic's of last monthes run I have to do it. I don't know where the area you are talking about is or anything so any and all info would be appreciated, including anything special I would need on my boat. I have read threads about flags on boats and I dont have one. If it is needed please let me know specs for it. Are they having a run after the FAA meeting? Is it further south than where you guys are running?
How often to you all do runs out of Broward county?
Thanks for any info
Bravo1218...The Kissimmee Chain is right smack dab in the middle of the state. Pull out your map and look in the middle. You'll see a large lake that is pretty much oriented on a North-South Axis. That is Lake Kissimmee. Depending on the quality of your map, you can see a smaller lake to the NW...that is Hatchineha. To the North of Lake Kiss is Lake Cypress. All three of these are connected by a "river" which is actually just a canal. There is also a large expanse of marshland between them. It actually ends up looking roughly like a large triangular area on a map. Hwy 60 is to the south of Lake Kiss and US 27 runs on the west side a ways off. Can't help you much with the eastern roads, never been over there.

You DO NOT need a flag here but many still run with them. No special laws that I can think of off the top of my head. Just don't cross any fences and you're pretty much ok. There is lots of good riding but if you ride on Kissimmee just know that it can get pretty bad if the weather is nasty. Also on the Hatch and Cypress to a lesser extent.

As far as the FAA meeting...I'm not sure of any particulars. Last I heard it was going to be off of US 27 at a restaurant (near Haines City maybe???) but there are others more in the know about that.

If we do decide to have the run here or any where else for that matter, you should definitely try to attend. It is a lot of fun.

I had hoped we could combine all this into one pretty package, but that appears more difficult than I first imagined.

The FAA meeting will take place on Saturday, October 08 at John's Restaurant on US 27 in Haines City. All FAA members are strongly encouraged to attend and participate, all airboaters are invited to observe.

I had hoped we could combine forces after that meeting and celebrate our reaching the top of the drive for FAA Lobbyist funds raising. Looks like there are not many who want to step up and coordinate this event.

I will join the SAO ride after the FAA meeting if it is somewhere on the Kissimmee Chain. I will also volunteer to be a ride group leader for that event if it takes place after the FAA meeting. Those seeking waterfront accomodations should contact Camp Mack quickly.
Good description Adam. The road on the east side is The Florida Turnpike.

It actually gets pretty close to Lake Cypress, and (of the top of my head) someone coming from south eastern florida would want to get off at the St. Cloud exit and double back a little down to the Cypress fish camp.

Have no worries Bravo. We'll get some maps posted. Adam sends some great big picture info there. Rest assured that more close-up maps will be up soon.

It'd be fun to have someone from the keys on a run with us. Laura used to live there. Her sister lives there now, and the company I used to work for had an "office" in the keys and they flew me down there once a month or so to work. (I worked for Sloppy Joe's)

I propose that we set the time for the ride in the afternoon to better accomodate those who wish to attend the FAA meeting or who have a long ride. I'd say 3 pm or later would work. Big Daddy or anyone else, any problems with this time?

As far as accomodations, Big Daddy's right, Camp Mack will fill up fast!! You can camp pretty much anywhere out there though. No hotels or anything of that sort nearby(at least on the west, not sure about the Lake Cypress area). Thomas Landing might be a good choice a little farther south on Kissimmee.


I don't think there is any possibility of me being ready for a 3P ride on that day. My guess is the FAA meeting will run through 4 - 4:30 as the list of critical issues requiring careful consideration is impressive. I expect to leave John's Restaurant by 5 PM and it will take an hour to get to the lake and launched and 30 mins to get to the Yacht Club.
10-4 Dave. Well, we can put it off until even later then. Maybe go with your idea for a night ride. It will definitely mean smaller groups though. I don't want to lose anyone unfamiliar with the area out there.

I'll start a poll to see what we want to do... We could possibly even do like last time and whoever wants to stay can ride that night and still have the main ride during the day.
after reading bdaddy's post, my question is what time would be good to meet up if faa meeting lasts that long?
I was talking with Moodfood this evening and he had a good idea. Perhaps this ride should be less of an organized ride and more of a loose get-together. In other words, we should have a central meeting place and from there you can do what you want. I think there will be enough people who are familiar with the area that they could lead small groups if they feel like it. We can do the cookout thing or just sit around and shoot the s*&t. Ride when you want and go where you want. This way, if you plan to attend the FAA meeting, you won't be pressured with making a certain time restraint. We could use BS hill or the Milk Bus(this might be best because of the shade).

What are your thoughts on this. I think the idea is to relax and have a great time so why worry about times and scheduling routes.
What are my thoughts? Its a great idea! Genius!

Oh. :) What are everyone else's thoughts. I see what you mean. :)

Informal was the word I used. Casual is good too. Not so much a structured route to follow, but a meeting place to hang out and go on side trips from there. Get there when you can, the party will be still going on.

A day I can PACK the boat full of coolers, lawnchairs, and all the comforts of home... Unload it all at base camp and go ridin'!... or fishing or hunting or whatever. A campfire would be nice - especially once the folks who went to the FAA meeting get there. I definitely want to hear about the meeting and meet in person some of those I only know from online.

Just need to know the where part. My plans are to get there early in the day and do some sight seeing, photography and some fishing!

I like the idea meet up at the milk bus late afternoon for a pot luck and sunset cocktail it lets every one run day or night at thier leasure