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Overhead Spot Lights


Well-known member
I am needing to add some overhead spot light to my airboat. I'm not needing to scope out the Space Shuddle as it flys over, but plan on doing some duck hunting on the river and need to see when the rive changes direction. :roll:

I need something that will do the job, but not over kill. What do you guys have or suggest ? ? ?

Will these types of light operate off of a regular battery, or do they require something to boost the power ? ? ?

Sorry for the dumb questions, but figured I would get the best responds here. cooter
forget the overhead, anything behind you will not work, ( but they look cool), they need to be low and on the bow.
I have 2 a/c landing lights mounted in the hull, great for gater, flounder, rays, sharks. a hand held spot is the only way to go, If you see a boat with the big KC's mounted on the cage stay clear he might dangreous to be riding with..
Its WAY easier to see the river runs with all lights out. Just run to the black and your doing fine. If ya see grey in front, either slow, stop, or find more black.

This is the best bet for safe operation........ Oops it aint legal !

Oh well. You can use a headlight like we use for frogging too. Thats the only powerful light I have ever had on a boat.

I've got 4 KC like 130watt ON MY CAGE and it lights up the water like daylight. I would like to put 2 on the bow but I don't need to. I do always keep a spotlight in my hand because you may need to look to the side or somewhere else. I picked up myfour 130w stainless steel lights from Ebay for about $110 delivered. That's about the cost of 1 true KC Satinless. Been working great.
I don't use or like ridgid mounted lights for driving. I use the 50watt baseball cap mounted plug in the lighter socket type from the link below. If your real nervous buy th 100watt to go along with it. The 50 works better in the fog and the 35 works even better in the fog and you can frog with them also.

any light mounted behind your head works best at night if turned off, might work great if your standing on the beach with the light off the back of your head..
This is what I use.
I find that no spolight at all works the best in open water.

I have 2 KC lights on the bow and 2 on the cage, the two on the cage are not really that good for lighting up the water in front, it causes a glare and kinda blinds you, but the 2 on the bow light up great, I use them all the time. We run 90% of our time at night bowfishing so they get used a lot. The ones on the cage are great for lighting up the interior of the boat but really thats about it or maybe loading up the boat. it just causes too much glare for me.

No such thing as a dumb question, I'm a firm believer of that.

I took the stainless KC's off my cage due to the glare, (and they make real nice squito attractors) :lol:

Two KC's in the rake and one of the above Cowboy's frogging lights 'get er done' fine for me!

Yeah depending on the wattage the KC's should be wired through a relay and they do pull some juice.

If your gonna buy a spotlight, don't waste your money on anything else but one from the GUEST company, model is the Great White spotlight. I have had one for over 10 years. You can drop it off your cage, bounce it in the water, and it still will work. No comparison to any of those cheap one's on the market now.
I have two KC's on the cage pointing straight forward an two other off road lights at a 45 on the cage as well and a remotecontrol spotlight on the bow it is awesome and totaly wireless except for one power wire the remote control mounts on my insterment panel and can controled up to 100 ft from the boat it rotates 370 degrees and up and down 180 degrees and has two speeds and the best part is is less than 200.00 and has a 5year warenty and is for marine use,it made by Go Light inc and Boats US has them.
I use 2 100watt KC style lights on the front of my footstand and a headlight. The KC's seem to work well for a straight line and open water. I recommend a good headlight with cage/footstand lights or just a headlight.
I run trator lights that I got @ TSC for 12.00 bucks each.

Rubber coated w/mounting brackets

I only turn them on once we've got a gator alongside or putting out dekes.

This way the clients don't need me continuely looking in that direction & I can worry about driving the boat.

They're pretty useless for anything else.
Cowboy, that light setup of yours looks cool. What type of bulb does it use? Did you rig it yourself or can they be purchased somewhere?
I make those for people who want them 550.
That one above has an A/C landing bulb, 100w.

I have a 100w halogen bulb, that is way lighter.

The sealed beam wears just fine all night long, but the halogen is so light, is like it's not even there.

Both look pretty much the same.

Here comes Country with the frog frying, by wattage cracks again!

That's cool. I'm used to it.
I ain't fried no frogs, but they do seem to set the lillypads on fire! 8)

I like a bright light when I'm out in the woods at night.
Night is the best time to airboat.

I FREAK'IN love it!
We do a lot of night running here as well. PM me with how to go about getting one of those with the halogen bulb. No rush, just whenever you get a chance.I was just looking at some of your vintage pics,they are awesome. I think it would be cool to find and restore some of those old boats. I wonder if there is an fwc boneyard somewhere.
Well I guess i must like a glare because it works for me. But it will light the night up. It looks like a plane coming in for a landing when I have them on. :lol: :violent3: