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PE 150. Holley Carb Maintenance


Running a PE 150 /220 GPU with a 500 Holley 2 barrel carb on AVgas. Do you have a similar setup? Just wondering if you do anything on a schedule for preventative carb maintenance. Replace accelerator pump diaphragm? Replace intake filter? Nothing til there’s an issue?

**Newish to airboats, carburetors and mechanics and this is my first post**
Ditch the scintered bronze fuel inlet filter, install a power valve plug, a set of #76 jets and a #31 accelerator squirter, if you see green at the accelerator pump diaphragm, let it eat, a Viton o-ring on the needle and seat assembly will give it the bullet proof treatment, be sure all vacuum caps are new "I pull all tubing out, turn solid plugs in the lathe" to block the ports.
Ditch the scintered bronze fuel inlet filter, install a power valve plug, a set of #76 jets and a #31 accelerator squirter, if you see green at the accelerator pump diaphragm, let it eat, a Viton o-ring on the needle and seat assembly will give it the bullet proof treatment, be sure all vacuum caps are new "I pull all tubing out, turn solid plugs in the lathe" to block the ports.
Thank you!! I did have a vac cap issue!! Do you mean the diaphragm itself is green? I’ll look into the power plug, I’m nervous about upsetting any fuel balance, it runs great now, that is definitely above my ability at the moment. But I’ll keep it in mind as I figure things out! Appreciate ya!
It has a green layer of the diaphragm, not knowing who built it or even tuned it, most likely has #73 jets and a power valve, you will want the blue gaskets, buy some dielectric grease and coat them with it they will not stick
The diaphragm is green! I was gonna replace it with the same one. It’s 30cc. Lacey Everette built it. There’s definitely a bronze filter and spring in the inlet filter space, I replaced it.
I wouldn't run the bronze filter, it will clog over and strand you, run the glass tube style filter with the replaceable cartridge so you can see what is going on.
If Lacey built it, no worries.
I wouldn't run the bronze filter, it will clog over and strand you, run the glass tube style filter with the replaceable cartridge so you can see what is going on.
If Lacey built it, no worries.
Thank you!!! The bronze filter was slimy dirty!! I bought few to store one on the boat. I'll look into the glass tube. I'm nervous to change too much because I just don't understand enough, but I am learning and want to maintain what's there for sure. So far spark plugs, fuel filters, valve cover gaskets, exhaust, new battery and cables, new hull.... I worry about the mag cause I have no idea, so I am careful with it... and dreading the day there's an issue with that!!!!
Hmm, not a dual magneto engine? Having 2 is a nice redundancy.
Magnetos are simple, once you get to know about them, there will be no fear.