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Picture Uploading

Can someone tell me how to upload pictures. I understand I first need to upload to a public server, which one? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

easiest for me is http://www.photobucket.com its free its easy and it will resize your pics. Once you upload a pic it will give you the 3 formats "img" "url" and I forget the other all you have to do is highlight for example the img one and click paste in your post thats it.
Another easy way to post pictures is to upload a picture into your gallery. Click on the picture to get it to full size and then right click on the picture to get its properties.
The properties should start with http and end with jpg or whatever picture format you use. Copy that URL on your posting between the two IMG tags. Click preview below to make sure it worked before you post.

I just click on the browse button, (on the upload picture page) find the picture I want in my pictures folder and click on it, and then click upload. Seems to work fine? 8)
The picture you want to post needs to be on the internet and you need to know it's internet address. Since you're already registered w/this site, you can upload the pics from your hard drive to your member gallery in "Pictures & Wallpapers".

After that, pull the picture up in your browser & determine it's internet address. With most browsers you can move your mouse over the pic & click the right button, one of the options will be "properties". After selecting "properties" you should see a little window with the picture's internet address.

Now post a message in the forum & wherever you want the picture to show up in your post, insert the pic's internet address surrounded by the
brackets. Here's an example:

The typical internet address for the pic would be something like: http://www.southernairboat.com/photopos ... ge0041.jpg
So when I take that internet address & put the
bracket behind...


this is what I get:


Hope this helps.

one of these days we will all know how to do it ! we need some 8th grader to show us how to use our computers ! :?
You got it Big Johnson. Just so everybody else knows...you posted one of the thumbnail images. Had the same procedure been done on the larger version, it would have posted that one.

We had a good picture posting thread in "Site Releated", but for some reason it's not there now. I'm in Sanibel (vacation) right now, but when I get home, I'll re-post the picture posting instructions.

hi I'm new to this site arn't these flying boats noisy?
Don't they cause global warming in New York and Capital hill?

Just practicing.
rick":2824ei7j said:
We had a good picture posting thread in "Site Releated", but for some reason it's not there now.

I wonder what happened to that one. I just searched in numerous ways and could not find it either.

It also had instructions on how to change the avatar pix.
