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Plasma Cutter


Well-known member
I am in the market for a Plasma cutter and I was just wondering if the Cheap Asian stuff is all junk and should stick with "made in USA". Anyone have any experience? The Plasma/Tig combinations look interesting but Miller, Hobart, Lincon etc. don't even offer one. Don't want to waste money on JUNK but thought one of you might have knowledge! 8)
We have a themal dynamics plasma cutter where I work at my second job and never have a problem if I were you I would stick with a good American made one I have talked to folks that have foreighn made ones and if the break it is hard to get parts and service for them all my welding equipment I have at home is Miller and I have had zero problems with it
We have Miller at work also and have always been happy with thier products. I'll follow some stuff on e-bay! 8)
Not dissing the really good quality American made equipment, but I sure would be interested in knowing WHERE to find the cheeper Chinese made stuff. I'm in the market for a new plasma cutter and a TIG AC/DC welder.

I have yet to see anything very much cheeper but then again I havent seen anything BUT Miller/Hobart/Lincoln.

Anybody have a web address form a dealer selling the cheep Chinese stuff?? I'm really curious HOW MUCH cheeper they are.

My dad owned several dental laboratories and was in the business for 59 years making high end dental prosthetics. Half the equipment he made himself. He commented frequently a quote .... "Its a poor craftsman indeed who blames the tools of his trade." Something like, if ya can't do it when the cheep one, then most likely you cant do it with the expensive one either.

check on ebay, but check the price of a miller sync 180 sd , I baught one last month and its a great tig and stick combo, does a great job.
Yes it is, Scotty. You found em. Check for store locations. I have a couple up here in my area, and there's probably one not far from where you live.

GTO, I like everything Miller makes. Good stuff.

I found a Miller 55A cutter but its 110 VAC primary for $2,872

at: http://secure.data-comm.com/RB/Detail.bok?no=81532

The import model is 35 Amps with 230 VAC primary for $1,199.99 and cuts to 3/8" steel.

at: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/d ... umber=8881

Neither comes with a compressor, or at least they don't say so. No clue how big a compresser they need. Might work off an existing shop compresser.

Its hard to advise others wht to buy, but for me I think the imports are fine since i'm not running a business and its all back yard private shop stuff. Were I in a production environment, I might feel differently. But by buying the imports, IN MY CASE, I save WAY more than the cost of my new hull.

This logic may not suit everyone though.

I'll try to get you namebrands and cheap stuff later Scotty so you can check there stuff. Lots of brands! Good looking specs! just don't know about track record. Nice features like 170 amp tig with 40 amp plasma for about $1200.00 I think. I went isian for my PA equipment and I have Behringer, Yamaha, Alises, and some other nockoff and it's incredable for the price? I just want to find out if that stuff will do a great job and be reliable because if it does the same thing! 8) I can live with saving a couple grand!! :lol: If it doesn't work I don't want to waste a grand either :wink:
Most of them now comes with thier own air suppy or compresser !now days but check ! Be wrong once and then i just thought i was wrong !as long as you use at the house ! Harbor freight aint to bad on the wallett just bye the extra sevice deal ! :D havnt seen it but he says own air supply ! But he got the sport model he was happy with the price !i will check scotty ! got to there anyway to cut some stainless ! :D
Cold, I dont see any single unit pricing on those links. They look like its for bulk B2B purchases. Maybe Im looking at the wrong things.

Have to check them out Monday, Im off to work til Monday Mornin. Thanks for the links man. Ill catch up on any new ones as I can if I get to stay in town this weekend.

Sorry Scotty, I'm sure If I put e-bay links on for you , you won't be able to see them anyways! :cry: So I just googled the manufacture names, and if they actually build good stuff, they might build good cheap stuff. I have an Italian Mig and the only thing I dont like is it doesnt have a gas solinoid so I picked one up and am going to wire and plumb it in. Probably 8 brands of cheap stuff on e-bay and probably two factorys building them. But like I said 160A tig/40A plasma for less than $500.00. Can't remember if that one had free shipping or not. Do they WORK? :lol:
Scotty! gotta go but when I get a chance I will try to input some of the e-bay stores for you. Like i'm thinking the technology is so simple to copy, All I want is a reliable rig! 8) One Spool gun mig I checked out used Miller consumable parts! Theres an art to gettin away with that! :lol:
I can have a pal in the us follow the E-bay links. But not right now, Im almost in bed LOL.

Well, I'm just curious as to what you are going to do with it....

I used to have one--my significant other and I made/ cut out, steel targets with it for our IHMSA (International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Assn) i.e. (chickens, pigs, turkeys and rams) we shot at with unlimited caliber handguns up to 200 yds.- was pretty cool. I sold it to a friend of mine who used it on his fair rides and equip. I'd love to have a more modern version that you could program in shapes such as "cutting horses, cows, etc" to make cool images on gates and such.

Just curious...

Browse these sites: http://www.torchmate.com/ and http://www.plasmacam.com/

Ill be cutting out targets, too but its all general use stuff in my home shop. I got an airboat to buid, and who knows what else.

I used to have a Wards AC/DC 230 Amp welder with a Century High Frequency arc stabilizer on top and it worked great. it even came with a torch and tungsten. I just added the Argon bottle. I welded thin rudders and heavy aluminum hulls doing repairs with it. Did some steel riggings they wanted welded too. I envision using it on my truck for this and that. Beyond these kinds of things its just a shop-tool I'll have so when and if I need it it will be right under hand. I hate chasing tools or borrowing when I'm working on something. I got several solar panel racks to build as well as solar hot water to get up. I'm sure it will get well used. I make gun parts too so who knows.

Next I'm looking at a lathe, mill, drill press 3-in-one machine.

My want for tools never ends LOL !
