Working on it now Crabby. I'm headed up to ACE & NAPA right now. Stop by say hi. I gotta change the oil, and get screws to mount my GPS. WITH ANY LUCK, the new distributor will be delivered today by UPS today. Swap out the distributor, and ride. Stan said he'd help me change the distributor - he's got the mac-daddy timing light!
THe little boat is running fine. I had it out this morning already. Wanna go riding? Just need to re-fuel that one.
Did you see the 2 F-16's fly over Lake Jesup this morning? Came in and landed at SAnford Airport. I wonder if it had to do with the shuttle launch. Odd to see fighters landing at a civilian airport. One fighter tailgating another all the way to the runway. Quite a sight to see.