probably 75% of my running is at night and I have a ciggarette lighter plug in on my instrument panel to which i have a 100 watt headlight that plugs in, i also have it wired into a rheostat so that i can turn it down as dim as i want which helps sometimes when frogging, you can use a handheld spotlight, just cut the end off and put clips on for the battery, or i could sell you one of the lights that my dad and i make that are very similer to the ultralights which is a very light bulb that is just as bright as the old aircraft landing lights, which is what most people have used for a long time, but they are a quarter of the weight which makes them more comfortable to wear, i live in orlando also and get home from work on the evening of the 5th, if you wanted i could show one to you or help you put something together, i have a single kc light mounted under my footstand that i almost never use, it limits your visibility to right in front of the boat and if someone is in front of you its in their eyes every time they turn their head to the side, i would go with the headlight or if i was only gonna go every once in a while you could go quick and easy with the handheld, and i may mount a single light to the boat as a backup.
ps. did you see the pictures of the old timers, see why i think it is the same mold