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Prop Pitch


Well-known member
I have been reading along about how turning more pitch can improve your thrust. I turned my 2 blade 80 in. power plus (2 to 1 belt,zz4) for more pitch and seems so much stronger. I was turning 5100 rpm and now max at 4800 rpm, I know this isnt much but I can sure feel the difference.

I think this will help my fuel economy also as I have read here and maybe just be a little quieter.

I climbed my hill faster than expected after repitching,and climbed a few other hills just to see how it would do. Couldnt help myself. LOL

It just seems like it would be the other way around that more rpm would perform better,maybe it does for some,dont know but i will leave mine at 4800 for now.

anyway thanks for the learnin as i will continue to keep an open mind to ideas. Just thought I would share this info I learned here.

Thanks Dean
Dean, 4800 rpm wide open with a stock ZZ4/ belt drive sounds perfect to me. You're right near the top of your torque band and not over-reving your engine. Plus, you've slowed both your prop and your engine down, so you're quieter.

I wouldn't change a thing. :)