There seems to be some rather standard procedures for raising your boat.
As close as I can figure this list is incomplete but seems to cover most of it.
1. Massive amounts of cursing, swearing and taking every diety that there ever was name in vain. The more vulgar the curses the easier it will lift off the bottom.
2. Run down at least 1 cell phone battery calling what you thought were your friends for help. More cursing and swearing here. Eye the dog carefully.
3. Induce your "friends" to help by offering free beer, gas and party makins. More cursing. Begin to blame it on that damned dog.
4. Meet this troup of people you are angry with and pass out the beer and marvel at all the contrivances they have amassed to make this a simple quick and easy job. Relate several times how it all happened while swilling just one more beer before we begin. Take a kick at the dog, its all his damned fault anyway.
5. Arrive back at the scene with your posse and see how many people can give directions at the same time. Drink more beer. More heavy cursing, fumbeling and try to get the beast off the bottom. Soon as it breaks free, curse some more as it slips from the masterfully created sling to lift it with. Toss that damned dog in the canal and curse at him some more. Consider shooting that worthless mutt in the water.
6. Work until near daylight and are frozen like a bag of ice. Shivver, shake and give up 'til tomorrow when it's daylight. Call the dog to get in the boat, were going home you useless egg suckin hound. Thank everyone and head back to the hill and agree that noon will be good enough to try again.
7. Climb in the truck and call that pitiful excuse for a dog to get in. He jumps in and cluddles close to share his warmth with you and warm your frozen hands.
8. Get home, pass out on the floor with the dog. Long nights sleep with the dog cuddled in close. Warm, dream, fade to black. (read pass out)
9. Noon, wake up shower, eat & call for your faithful mutt to join ya in the truck. Stop at 7-11 and get a soda and some water and meet back at the ramp. Scratch that companions head and hug him.
10. Arrive back at the scene and tie a rope on and the craft nearly floats to the surface on its own. Find that there is water in the oil so yall tow it in and load it on the trailer. Thank all your close friends who stood by ya through this and offer money which is duely refused. Head home after a stop at IHOP or Waffle House. Everyone has breakfast and you order a take out order. Soon as ya get to the truck, feed that noble companion his own plate of eggs and bacon for his loyalty and fidelity and undieing friendship. He sure has learned a lot about how to behave in 24 hours. Swear you gotta find some way to improve that breath though.
Home and watch the game with the dog.