Bird watchers, and MOST canoeist are like MOST sailboaters, ... cheap and they expect everything for free. AIRBOATERS on the other hand will pay for a camp site, pay a nominal boat launch fee(or permit) without any Biatchin.......Should the water level fluctuate, airboaters will still come...the others, except the canoeist will not. Airboaters will come out for events such as cleanups, renovations etc(KRVSA)....the others EXPECT the place to be perfect when they arrive.
I remember as a kid going out to Loxahatchee and going under the honor system, you actually put your money in the box, and the wardens came out at night and collected the fees........MOST bird watchers, canoeist/ tree huggers never put a dime in those boxes. That area needs an airboat friendly launch/hangout area. I hope they don't overlook the airboating community.