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Quiet Airboat Demostration, Sat. May 20 is ON!



Quiet Airboat Demo, Saturday May 20: Please send far & wide!!

All are invited & encouraged to attend and have their boats tested. Quieter boats will preserve our future and greatly reduce complaints.

All who have their boats tested will recieve a print out with their dB level from the on plane pass by . This could be invaluble information to builders & manufatures. I hope those who have BRAGGED how quiet their boats are will show up to PROVE their claims!! If not, like an airboat, you're just blowing air........

Registration start 10:00AM Loughman Lake Lodge, off State Rd. 46 west of Mims Fl. No cooking grills allowed.

Everyone is welcome to have their airboat tested and receive in writing, the vessel’s DB reading on a plane.
All volunteers and participants at the Loughman Lake Lodge, Quiet Airboat Demonstration will be required to sign the liability waver form.

Volunteers needed: If you want to volunteer to help, contact Jim Brown at 321-299-4874.

Five classes of boats: 4 cylinder aircraft, 6 cylinder to unlimited aircraft, 6 & 8 cylinder small block automotive,

8 cylinder to unlimited automotive, Other: Vessels other than traditional style airboats.

Registration Procedure

1 Fill out registration form. Show vessel license registration.

2 Donation for test: $20.00

3 Boat is issued a boat number. (To be displayed all day).

4 Boat is inspected for safety issues.

5 Boat number is affixed to the starboard (right) side of boat.

6 Registration information is loaded in the computer.

PFDs will be worn by all persons on operating vessels.
Test Procedure

The operator will be instructed of the test procedure.

A rider judge will be on the vessel during the test runs.

Simply put: The operator will do a figure eight around buoys in deep water. Then run a short distance on dry ground. Then between buoys placed 50 feet off shore, at heavy acceleration the boat is brought to a plane. This will be performed twice and the sound level will be recorded. Then through the same buoys 50 feet off shore the boat will come by on a plane at a designated speed (using a hand held GPS). This will be done twice and the sound level recorded.

After each boat is tested the test results will be radioed to the score board keeper. There will be two reading for each vessel:

1ST is HA = Heavy Acceleration

2ND is OP = On Plane

It will be written on paper and than displayed on the white board for all to see. The on plane reading will be the competition score.

From the registration table we will provide a round sticker that qualifies the authenticity of the test and display the dB level the vessel makes.

After all boats have been tested we will announce the winner of each class. Pictures will be taken and more information about the vessel construction will be documented.


Sounds good!

Can you please advise on the "designated speed"? How fast/ what speed will this be?


I understand the speed will be either 25 mph or whatever the boat will plane at. The recorded dB test will definitely be on a plane. That's the criteria that was talked about. You may call Jim for spcifics.
I will not be participating, I don't need or want to pay 20 bucks for validation of my boats sound from the FAA. So put me in the blowin air category. I am glad you posted the "RULES" before I started the changes to the boat this evening. I also get dizzy if I do figure eights in deep water at anything over an idle. THANKS BUT NO THANKS I will be there campin and watchin and socializing but not payin 20 bucks. It is just a matter of principle with me. I have all the equipment I need to do sound and thrust tests and don't need some silly sticker from FAA to make me feel good.
Well I am sick to death of all the negativity and I think some comments were better left unsaid but that is my opinion and we are all entitled to them. But I think it is a GREAT idea for those who cannot afford any type of meter to be checked. It is going to get down to the point in some places that the law is going to check the DB of your boat and if you have that sticker you can take it to court and fight for it. I AM ALL FOR IT AND I WILL BE THERE IN FULL SUPPORT OF THE FAA AND SOUTHERNAIRBOAT!!!!
Being as this is a forum and a place if idea interchange, its a place to speak your mind.

Those who don't speak their mind openly and plainly do the rest of us a disservice.

Makes NO difference if we agree or not. The value is in the exchange of ideas.

We could be like a pack of sheep and all follow some perceived leader, but what value would be in that. We could all just buy into the same line about things too but would there be any real value in doing that.

People should be able to speak their mind here without fear or repercussions or reprisals. It doesnt have to be taken personal. In fact, it shouldnt be.

That's where new ideas and new thoughts grow.

If we don't protect those we disagree with, what will we do when they come for those of us who think as we do?

I will be there for SOUTHERN AIRBOAT but that sticker is worthless the FAA has no legal standing to perform tests. the environment will not be a controlled one which is required for any valid testing. One reason no governmental agency does sound tests in the field to determine compliance with the 90 db option in the law is because they have no control over the background noise.

They instead place the burden of proof on you which they can do when it is a civil matter and not a criminal matter, just ask OJ simpson the differnece he understands it well. he won the criminal but lost the civil because he had to prove he was innocent instead of them proving he was guilty. The temperature and humidity have a great effect on the results also. It is a complicated situation to do "sound tests" while this would have been a fun event it is not a valid sound test.

I certainly will not donate to the FAA as long as normal everyday airboaters are not allowed to have a say in an organization that by some divine decree holds itself out as the official voice of all airboaters in florida when only a select few have a say in the representation. All airboaters who wish to, should be able to, have a say in such a group that claims to speak for them. If this was a southern airboat event or a club event that allowed individual participation, DAKOTA you know I put my money where my mouth is you got my donation for the gilrs airboat and I will donate again at the KSRVA event but put the FAA in there and I am done.
I,m gonna be there spectatin there saturday hope to see alot of quiet boats there preforming.I think it would be fun to predict the out come Lets see 15' car motor on plane at fifty feet 86.5 db ,wfo fifty feet 98 db,light car motor gear drive on plane 81 db wfo 98 db.A/C 6 cyl 88 db on plane ,104 wfo not scientific but close ,fun and free.

Have Frogs, will fry!
I won't be there but I sure would like to see a baseline with the old style unmuffled open stack boats first. Just makes sense to me.

I was wantin to enter my ole boat but I hadn't put the $20.00 in the weekend budget .guess I could cut my ridin short by 6 gallons or so. just wish they would have laid the tweenty dollar fee on me earlier.
I hope they drop the shroud of secrecy about some of the methods of reducing sound levels. Big Father mentioned some simple trick or modification to use on a prop to significantly reduce the sound from it. Others have spoken of different prop/reduction combos that make a boat nearly silent. And then there are the various muffler combos. I not only want to see numbers, I want to hear about what was done to achieve them.

Is this going to be something we all will have to do 1-on-1 with the boat's owner/builder? Or will it truly be a DEMONSTRATION where we'll see not only the 'what' - but the 'why' & 'how' as well? I hope there is a decent sound system there to broadcast the results.

The time for secrecy is OVER.

I too will be there, but not paying $20 (not for the same reasons as you cntry, but your reasoning is perfectly valid - as Whitebear has pointed out). I'm not paying the fee for the test because I'll not have my boat there, and I'm on the edge of buying a second boat. I just don't see a need to test something that I'm scrap out in a couple months.

If I were going to keep the boat, I'd be very interested in testing it. THEN MAKING CHANGES and having it tested again so I could see how effective my changes were. I don't know or understand what this "FAA sticker" is supposed to be for. Sort of a "I was there" souvineer I suppose. I hope the sticker is not some omen about the next law.

I'm very interested in the ways to quiet the prop sound. It won't be long before those living along the banks of the waterways realize that the boats are indeed quieter, but not quiet enough for their "buterflies & bumblebees" pipe dream. They'll be after the prop sound next.

I'm very much looking forward to witnessing this event! Without my boat there, I'll be more free to follow the score and get some good photos too.

Hey - are the organizers planning on publishing the results in a program or score card or anything like that? If not, I may bring my computer, printer and my xerox machine and publish some on-the-spot programs to sell. :idea:

Ill be there with my boat and coureous to see where Ill be with my 6cyl AC with Vortex inserts.And I dont plan on changing them,catch me if you can :evil:
2 Donation for test: $20.00

It's a donation. If all you can afford is $2.00, we might be able to do something at the end of the test. Too bad as a group we're so tight we'll drop a "C" note on fuel and won't support a volunteer event that will produce very positive press for airboating.

As with any event, nothing is free. We had to acquire insurance, law enforcement, equipment, supplies, ect, plus find the volunteers to make this happen. The committee chairman has spent at least $600.00 pulled from his own pocket, attended a number of meetings, spent who know how many hours planning to make this event happen. That's stepping to the plate by action, so it's no wonder most don't want to "volunteer"! (Not to mention the this past weekend's lake clean up where he pulled a car from the lake)

As with any event, not everyone will be pleased. Much easier to direct from a distance than to get off the couch and plan and execute an event. I'll add, if SA.com crew wishes to conduct their own Quiet Airboat Demo, feel free to get the event organized and going as the more of these events that are conducted, the better off we will be long term. So, have at it, pick a date & location and start planning. You might find that pulling off an EVENT with VOLUNTEERS is slightly more complicated than announcing a ride. Best of luck & we'll support the event and offer advice where possible rather than taking pot shots at a volunteer organization's hard work.

As for secrecy, where? This event was a team effort from the members of the FAA. There are no less than 7 clubs participating, plus a handful of businesses. I still don't know where the "secrets" are........

As stated in posts concerning the legislation, most of the "activists" who are doing something don't have the time to explain every thing that happens. If anyone on this forum wishes to know the how & whys of what's taking place, call me & I'll fill you in, then you can post this information in your own words. If you don't have time for a call, then it shows a lack of interest in the matter......as there are many other pressing issues in greater need of attention.

A couple of months ago, a few mentioned a new "FAA" type organization or club being born. What happened to this idea? Any planning, communicating, support building or research done yet or simply a dream? I encourage all to become involved in protecting our heritage. However, actions speak louder than words so where is the action? Is the idea being worked towards or is it too much work with no support?

The Quiet Airboat Demonstration is the first public event of it's kind. We know this will not be a perfect event. Should there be another event, changes to the format will surely be made but you can't make changes or learn from mistake until you speak from experience, so AN EVENT MUST OCCUR FIRST!

We encourage all to come out, watch, participate, have your boat tested (providing a donation doesn't produce an undue personal burden) learn, or become creative in reducing the overall sound that an airboat produces.

Happy hunting,

First of all I never said that one could not speak their views. If you go back and look at my post you will read that I said that everyone was entitled to their own opinion but I thought some things could have been left out. You all need to remember that when you support southernairboat you are also supporting the FAA no matter what you feel about them or not. This bashing the FAA needs to stop because it is only causing the media and haters to add fuel to the fire because they do read this forum and when they see that boy do they love it. As far as the event goes I agree with Phil and he said it very well. This is the first of its kind and I think it is a good idea. Like Phil said, if you do not have the $20 go talk to them but the cost to put on this event was very high and the person who headed it up needs to get some of his money back and the only way to do that is to support. Instead of bashing I think a simple "I am not going to participate" would be sufficient.

Thanks for the reply.

I was concerned that the '"required" GPS speed would be too low.

Those of us with "barges" woulda really produced some numbers!

Thanks in advance to Jim Brown and all those who put the event together.

The donation for this Quiet Airboat Demonstration will NOT be going towards repaying the event Chair the money he has personally spent. Jim has willingly gone to great expense and personal time to make sure all goes smoothly on May 20th. The donations are to cover costs.

I agree with you Dakota, on being sick of all the negativity. It seems that you can count on a negative response from the SAME few all the time. What it does, is take the steam out of those who volunteer their time on a regular basis for the airboating community. If you don't want to participate for whatever reason....more power to ya, and stay out of our way!

By the way....the FAA is not certifying the sound of your boat--Florida Atlantic University is...the FAA by way of Ken Johnson and Jim Brown are just providing the tangible proof of what your boat blew. Another expense to be covered by donation, and another result of some real hard work by a few volunteers. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO WILLINGLY GIVE OF THEMSELVES TO PAVE THE WAY TOWARDS KEEPING AIRBOATS OUT IN THE MARSHES ALL OVER FLORIDA!
Dakota, Basket,

Thanks for the kind words. The test will be on a plane. Still remains to be seen what the speed will be. This will be a learning experience so feel free offer constructive advice/criticism.

My opinion is each boat has it's own unique planning speed and should be tested at that speed, not a constant speed (like 25 mph) as requested by the Florida Atlantic University Engineering team. There is pros/cons to both. I don't chair the event so it's the decision of the Chairman & the FAU team and I'll support their decision whatever it may be. These are all bright folks who put much thought into the procedures. The last discussion was testing at a set speed.

Maybe the SA.com critics will use our learning curve to host a "closer to perfect" event in the near future, providing they have the determination, support and pocket$ to conduct such an event.............actions speak louder......

You can put me down as being on the side that appreciates the effort. I can't make it because of prior plans, but I'm sure ya'll are gonna have a good time.

I realize it's not gonna be certified testing, but it seems to me if everybody's tested under the same conditions, it should provide a general idea of where everybody stands. Be my luck though, that a big gust of wind would kick up during my run and blow ALL of my "sound" right at the DB meter.

Also, I've learned a little about proper wording in the last year or so ("airboat sound", "discriminate", etc.). Seems to me that the terms "SA.com crew" & "SA.com critics" are directed at only a few, but sort of forms a generalization for the entire group. I dunno....this may sound like a webmaster whining. If it is let me know, I can handle it without getting p*ssed.

One last thing. I'll provide as many $20 bills that I can afford to members that want to register their boat and can't afford it.

I plan on running and will be glad to pay $20. I bought a set of Summit Racing's stainless mufflers for $73 each. I kept it simple and cheap. I'm just curious how loud a simple easy to install exhaust is. I have no high tech secrets no special resonance chambers, no crossovers or stainless flex joints. I will state the more energy a motor makes the more noise it develops. It is allot easier to quite a 300HP motor then it is to quite a 620HP motor. Hey Gator I feel for ya, everybody whines about not having races then you put a ton of effort, personal time and energy into having one and all everybody does is complain about the classes or cost. Heck I'm struggling to come up with 10 volunteers for a sanctioned race. Anyway at least somebody did something for sound competition and that's more then has ever been done before. Oh ya my strategy which would work if they did an average DB but I don't care is to make my hull plan out and cruise at the lowest RPM. I have it planning out in 10ft and cruising at a prop speed under 530RPM's. And I have less then $200 in pipe and mufflers.