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I wish Country woulda washed his truck sooner, cause we sure needed the rain.

He probably just washed and waxed it yesterday, and that's what caused it.

Keep it up Country! A clean truck is a happy truck, don't worry about it raining every time you wash it.

Come to think of it.... last time we got any decent rain around here Country was down this way.

It came a FLOOD!
Dang Cowboy - that was a monster rain!

It drizzled a little this morning on Orlando. Not too much though. Was outside since 6:30 a.m. and never had to put the raincoat on. Was enough to wet a t-shirt nicely.

Just checked the water guage for the St. Johns... the rain stopped the downward slope of the graph, and already by this evening, the water is up 1/8".

Let's all pray for a little more. Dang droughts and dry seasons have got to be tough on the aquifer as it is on the rivers, lakes & marshes. I hope this is the rounding of the corner on the dry season.

Don't pray TOO HARD for rain!!!! Hurricane Season will be here before ya know it!!!! Twenty-something named storms last year?!!? And it's a 15 year cycle???!!!!!! Ouch. We could really use a mild & weak - slow moving storm to fill us back up though.
