Is there any other way a bracket can bolt on the back of the motor for a mount? I just bought this boat and goin through it fixin all the bulls#!t and I found only one 1/4 bolt holding the back of the motor,the other 2 snaped off inside the case...I drilled one out and going to tap 5/16 threads into it, I was goin to install a heil coil but i dont think there is enuph alumnum around that area. the rear bolt is the real trouble,someone broke a drillbit off inside and its off center...beware buying used boats,take a wrench and turn all the motor bolts!!!these idiots siliconed the bolts in the hole to make it look good, guess im the idiot now!!! its a shame dang boat runs good, any help or if someone knows any tricks or has a magic drillbit that drills drillbits please help!!!thanks scott