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Ride video Jerry Renney Music: what’s your Favorite lake on the Kissimmee Chain


Well-known member
Rode a little on lake Cypress this weekend. Always a fun lake because of the shallow water. I heard there is some sort of cabin on the shore of this lake? Is that correct?

Where’s your favorite spot to ride on the Kissimmee Chain

love the video that's a great area it was nice to see you have the whole area to yourself the last time I was over there I use the road that goes to the east side of the lake that thing about beat my balls in and the boat came off the trailer twice I thought I was wondering if they were taking better care of the road since that big attorney in Orlando has his place at the end of the road
Nice video!I heard Jerry renney had some CD's out there anyone know where I could get a hold of one? And there is a camp up in the woods a little past hole in the wall not sure if that's the one your talking about?
hogdoggin said:
Nice video!I heard Jerry renney had some CD's out there anyone know where I could get a hold of one? And there is a camp up in the woods a little past hole in the wall not sure if that's the one your talking about?

I think that is the one I was talking about. Anyway you could pin it on Google map?

I was looking for one to but didn’t know where to buy one from. I heard you could buy one from the KRSVA, but I never received a response when I questioned about it.