You know, if there were any ANTI-airboaters (due to the negative press, etc) there around the Salt Springs Marina they had to be rollong their eyes once we were all lined up on the bank. But when we took off and sauntered down the run in a nice and orderly fashion it HAD to make them think "Airboats aren't that bad".
As the last one to return (this time) I like the idea of a sign-in system. But it does not have to be all red-tape style with paper and all. When we were having troubles in the "surf", I stayed calm at the controls, and one thought that went thru my head was "They know we're still out here". If anything were to happen, I KNEW help would be on the way. Just knowing that helped me keep a level head and in control. So for me, a paper with my singature on it is not necessary, but if the groups continue to get bigger and bigger, that could be necessary I suppose. I would not mind a 3 or 4 boat buddy system to watch each other's backs. That way it'd be harder to notice one boat not returning. You'd notice 3 boats not coming back, and you know something is wrong.
I hate to make everyone stay if one boat is late. Or what if a boat or two decide on the fly to make a side trip on the way back? But I will definitely stay in the water until I know help is not needed. A rescue/salvage team should stay until all are accounted for. But the WHOLE group need not stay - in my opinion.
And if my train horn can be of assistance in any way, I'd be happy to oblige. I love blasting that darn thing! Today at a jobsite I found in the dumpster a perfectly good Co2 bottle. It is aluminum and the same size as an 80 cu ft scuba tank. The hydro does not expire for another 2 years. It would make a perfect air tank for the horn. and...
I've been tossing the idea around in my head of putting an air compressor on the fanbelt of my motor, and making some sort of air controlled trim tab or something. Just for an excuse to have compressed air out on the boat. I have a big box of air rams that I'm dying to invent something with! Oh, and the train horn gets permanantly installed! :twisted:
We will DEFINITELY be there for a melbourne run. I've been wanting to explore south of the BeeLine (oops, BeachLine) for at least 2 years now. In fact, now that we are airboating, Laura and I may make one of our pre-dawn sunrise photo expeditions down there
before the 27th!!!!
Fot the run starting point, you'd need a place with a LOT of parking. I noticed at Salt Springs that we really flooded out the parking lot with all our trucks. The overflow parking was all the way out to hwy 19!
Two days after the outing with you great folks, TWO DAYS... My knuckles are still white... and I still have the biggest GRIN on my face!!! That was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!
I learned to respect the water and weather, and to trust my boat and boating partners!