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Well-known member
hey if anybodys missing a outlaw sprint car motor i seen it on a boat called GROUND RATTLER he was just playin with them .
It was fun watching the races with you Plum Crazy. Great to meet you.

yep, that was a bad boat. He was just out there playin'.

I've not seen or heard the official results, but if Ground Rattler II did not win the big prize I'll be surprised.

Tyler - I don't know which a/c boat took the day. I know this one raced a LOT of a/c boats. Every boat this one raced was left behind at the finish line.

here is some closeups of that boat:


Above is typical. Rattler is in the far lane, and ahead. I doubt if he even had a come from behind race. He was really good at the starting lights too.


Sweet looking motor!


THe wind was not an issue except for that one time it ripped out the tent stakes and sent the Southern Airboat tent tumbling off into the canal. Thanks to those who helped fish it out. Rick - sorry to mention that your nice net tent may be slightly dented. :oops: The relentless wind was just pushing it trying to fold it in half. Also thanks to Airboat Mike down here on vacation from PA who helped pack stuff up. Dakota's race-day duties really caught up with her at the end of the day.

Dakota - it was fun hangin out with you behind the s//a table!!!! Girl - you can sell (and fold) some shirts!!!!

Man, what a fun day!!!! :D
there was however several arrest. inside the track an out, mood and dakota you do a great job, good pr people for southern airboat, everybody needs one of moods maps the quality an resolution is super. ! ps that rattler is so fast because it has no radiator holding it back,correct me if im wrong but isnt that a water walker/ power shift prop on the back?
I noticed that boat not only doesn't have a flag or mufflers, but I couldn't find a radiator. How in the world does he cool the engine? I'd sure like to see some videos if you guys have some to post.
Doesn't need flag or mufflers at a sanctioned race. he runs on alcohol so doesn't need a radiator, never gets hot normally. Video camera battery said it had 207 minutes of recording time left and all of a sudden it was done, gone. so no video from me. For the large crowd there it was a peaceful crowd for sure. The arrests were deserved, we talked to the Lt. deputy. They ran out of food but the beer wagon seemed bottomless.

It was a great event for sure as for socializing, however like stan says watchin the races is slightly better than watchin paint dry. LOL

Stan & Cntry

Did you go frogging south of HWY 50? how did you do?

I took a good look at that boat, was wondering how they keep it cool.

By the way, just before the last race, both boats came in to get fuel. The ground ratter crew had to reset the prop. It was so powerful that the blades changed pitch in the opposite direction.
The crew justed Gorilla griped the wrenches and dogged the bolts down. White kuckles.
Stan and I were froggin instructors saturday night after we were led by cc to the areas. I kept tellin cc we really would do better with a little water and grass shorter than 4 feet tall. I mean it is hard to gig frogs when they are running like deer.

I had red dwarf and airboat mike on my boat and stan had moodfood. Red was giggin once we got to the water, and I got mike a gator along sid ethe boat and we checked it out for a few minutes but it left none the worse for the wear.

Moodfood learned how to skin frogs and hopefully by now has cooked em and eat em. Stan went and showed himm the secret hadshake right off the bat while I was gonna make him do it the hard way a time or two so he would be more appreciative of the easy way. Stan is a gentleman and a scholar and a good friend, it don't get no better.

We had a great time and I think our riders did as well.
I had a blast, both at the race and froggin', and at supper as well. Always nice to sit down for a meal with a group of good friends

The race was run well, but I would like to have seen more trash cans in more readily seen areas. Other than that, it seemed to go off w/o a hitch

Thanks again to my hosts. CNTRY, Stan and CC have boats that WILL RUN! and they are not afraid to run em 8)
I got about 7 or 8 good videos to download hopefully will have everything figured out in the next day or two.Rattler is the car motor to beat anywhere,There was a aircraft that ran him in semi finals that wasnt that far off.But dont know where it was from.
Looks like ground Rattler 2 didnt out run that supercharged Lycoming by much, looks like a good race. Wish I would of been there, my new motor is done and sitting in the shop,just debating if I should put it on my 11', or go to another medium size boat such as a 12'5". Who knows, but hopfully we will have them again soon and Will enter mine. Heres whats im thinking of building, 12'5" Wide Track Predator hull cut-down to 16.5" in the ass end, with a lighter set of ride boat metal-works, and my new motor is an I0-540 Angle valve, w/ 11487 Pistons, Special Cam, and Continental Fuel injection, and either a 6-blade warp-drive or or a 3-blade H-series Narrow Blade Sensnich....What do yall think it will run like?
Clayton, I would go with the 12' 5" if your going to use it as a ride boat. The 11' might be a bit squirrely. Both props are great but make sure the counterweights are in your motor if you run the 3 blade. If you don't run the counterweights there is a harmonic dampener available. Either way it sounds like you will soon be in the seat of a bad @#s rig.!

10-4 Thanks Geneva, yeah man I cant wait! I need to get back out there, and I also wanna make it to a run to meet all you guys! But i will defienatley soon yall soon, and I will be on my new RIG!
Had a great time setting up the southernairboat booth. It was great to see some old friends and even meet some new ones. Thank you so much Matt for being there and helping me out. I was sort of doing double duty helping out with Brevard as well as southernairboat. I have never seen so many people buy t shirts. Southernairboats name got out there and I eve signed up a new site supporter. After the races we went out to eat with country, stan, airboatmike, geneva (Dave's not here), mood, and red. We talked red into going for a ride. He gladly accepted. Saturday night got a liitle cold and even though we did not get alot of frogs it was still peaceful and beautiful out there just sitting in the middle of the lake and looking at the stars. We had a great time with you guys Saturday night. I think we went to bed about 2:00am. About 8:30 I hear that infamous beep beep and it was country telling me to rise and shine. Met for breakfast with country and stan, thanks for breakfast country, and headed over to get some gas. Well what a place. Someone familiar showed up at the gas station to fill up. It was Randy. Good to see you Randy and glad you had a great vacation. After filling up will unloaded at Lake Washington, the wind was kicking up and it looked like it would not be too bad crossing the lake. Well about 1/2 way it got pretty choppy but no trouble, we made it. Road up to the oak head and there we met up with a couple of Brevard members and talked for a little bit. Then we headed north to the Sand dike and rode up into some dry stuff, turned around and stopped to look at the scenery and talk again. We got back in about 1:30. Glad you and stan were able to go out this morning country. We always have a great time with you!!! So Io guess we will see some of you, well I hope most of you at the great Moodfood and AirboarRN wedding. I am ready and excited!! Thanks for a great weekend!!!

I almost forgot. I was good to see Larry and Gordon drive up for the races as well.
Dakota, had a great time at the races and at dustins. Sorry I couldn't go frogging with y'all but the youngins were wore slap out. I also had a nice offer from hmgm123 to go to the cabin on lake poinsette. I am glad to have met and spend time with some great people thanks to SA. Look forward to seeing everyone at mood and rn's wedding. If you and chris get a chance come to the poker run on the 28th.

Daves not here!
blackpowderscout":lni7a27p said:
I have not heard of any serious injuries...that is definitely a success in my book!!


Yeah. There were a couple instances where at I think the ground rattler (not sure) left the boat NOT BY CHOICE during a test run in the morning before the races.

His boat his some sticky stuff, and his body, which was in motion, tended to remain in motion.... until it was laying in the grass a few feet in front of the boat.

Not an incident though, he got uo and dried off and sat back in the criver's seat.

A spectators boat was swamped along the roadside. Nothing hurt but a little pride on that one.

A little fighting led a couple to people to sober up behind bars. Nothing out of the ordinary there.... actually, it is out of the ordinary..... There were a LOT of people there. And there all day. Drinking. And only that one incident?!!??? That means a BIG CONGRATS to all who attended is in ordet!!! Good job people!!!

Yes NO INJURIES on the race field.

No inguries + race promoters turned a profit(?) = MORE RACES!!!!!!!!

PR to clubs and to airboating in general was good. I spoke to one family who came down here from South Carolina to see these races! She said she heard about it on Southern Airboat.com

Brevard Club did a good job with the operation of the event. I sat there in awe at some times when those folks were chattering on the walkie talkies and moving in 5 directions at once to GIT'R DONE!!!! :)

There is a couple fairly good sized frogs out there in Lake Hell-n-blazes that got away from me. Thanks for the fun time froggin' - I was wearin' shorts still, but I had on 3 t-shirts and my long sleeve Denim S/A shirt - I stayed toasty warm!!! Oh yeah, thanks Cheryl for a little sip of liquid warmth. LOL

Stan and cntry are good froggin instructors.... 75% (or more) of the one's I got were because of Stan and his one-of-a-kind yell.... "FROG!" I still need to learn how to SEE them on my own. Getting better though!!!

I was surprised to see a lot of mice hopping ontop of the water lettuce out there in the middle of the lake!

We saw one gator with something in it's mouth. He would not let his head get near the water's surface. A poke with the butt end of the gig pole made him turn to reveal that we was eating one of them armored catfish. It's nice to see that they do indeed have some natural enemies.

Red Dwarf and Airboat Mike - I'm glad you got the chance to ride on Cntry's boat. I like the way you put that Red - he CAN and ain't afraid to DO. Yep. This boat is quieter than most and at the same time more powerful than most. Stan anc CC too.

It was fun to see Larry and Gordon up from South Florida. And one other South Florida guy I missed - Randy? Dakota are you talking about airboat4fun is the one you just happened to bump into at the gas station???!! Cool. Hey Randy - we missed you!

Sweet I'm glad that everything went well. I hope some money was made so we will have more of these. I wish I would have made it but I was out of town. My wife scheduled the trip around the races but when the races were postponed they changed them to the same weekend I was out of town. Cool to see some Melbourne boy's win a few classes congrats to Mathew 4 cyl and Wade 6 cyl and Ted V/8 gearbox (thunder powered). An another turkey shoot for Lou and his car motor boat I was told nobody could even run with him!
The sarno races have been stored in my braincells as another one of my great adventures in life.My only regret ,I wish the hoffman boat would have been able to make more then a practice run .Seems he got in to trouble during the shut down, boat got sideways and threw him out of the boat .Realy would like to know what the outcome was.Any how as airboat races go it was well organized ,the action flowed better than any airboat event that I have attended to date.It was a great idea to stage the racers near the start line only thing that I noticed would have improved the process would be to have the boats return back to the line a differant route,maybe along the side of the track. Me being the kinda guy I am I tend to get board real easy esspecialy when my boat is back sittin on my trailer full of fuel.
The ground Rattler put on a crowd pleasing performance ,the crowed cheered loadly as he purged the nitros lines just before making his seconded run in the unlimited class.I did notice for sale written on the boat.I was goin to talk to cntry about gettin it for a froggin boat but noticed it didn,t have much of a front deck and no seat for cheryl So it would have been a hard sell to her .she prbly figure I just wanted it to race and go fast in any way.
Later that evening after a good supper at dustins we made our way to lake helen blazes (I like the way the name of the lake sounds)I might say just gettin there was an adventure dry runin tight trails , then slippery tight trails and deep water trails and finaly runnin the river .Only thing that would made it better if i could have kept up with cc and cntry ,they did pull over several times to wait for me ,seems I,m gettin slow in my old age.
Did get a chance to try out the light weight gig poles and they worked fine.
mood did take aim on a nile perch just glad he missed it and I managed to keep him out of gig distance from the fresh water mouses. was scared he'd connect on them also.
Mood only had to unload and tug one time saturday night ,believe the called it the indian mound at middlefield made we wish I had a little nitros on board like ground rattler, maybe next year.
did anyone get the speeds they where running other than fast and real fast , just wondering what ground rattler was running?And is that a 1/4 mile drag?