The Scenic Highway Designation for the Tamiami Trail is bad news for the sportsmen. It's pushed for by the Greens, will screw the Airboat Association of Florida on US 41 out of access, will be anti sportsmen (does a busload of Enviro-tourists want to see dead animals on airboats & buggies?) and will be another nail in traditional use.
Please copy Eric's letter and mail, even if you're out of state.
Both Eric & Jack are fine adovocates for the airboating sportsmen.
Folks this might help you get started on writing that all importnat letter tonight.
I am sure you can use some of what Eric has to say and add your own thoughts. Make sure you write or you will soon have a Flamingo Road type NPS road on your hands.
Jack Moller
Mr. Mariano Berrios April 6, 2006
Environmental Programs Administrator
Environmental Managers Office
605 Suwannee Street MS-37
Tallahassee Fl 32399-0405
Subject: NO to Tamiami Trail as Scenic Highway Designation
To Mr. Mariano Berrios
Please enter into the public record my comments.
I support the Collier Counties MPO Board’s decision to remove the State Scenic Highway and National Scenic Highway designations from the Tamiami Trail or US41
The Scenic Highway Designation comes with unacceptable strings attached especially when Federal Funds are accepted.
Instead of the natural view along the road we have today there will be visitor centers, parking lots and tour busses.
This designation leads to more traffic and dead animals along the highway.
This designation will also lead to further restrictions of our historical traditional free access and activities.
Disney World is in Orlando not South Florida.
Eric Kimmel
12685 SW 200 ST
Miami FL 33177
Email Looprd@aol.com
PH 305-345-4202
Member Africana Education and Research Foundation
Please copy Eric's letter and mail, even if you're out of state.
Both Eric & Jack are fine adovocates for the airboating sportsmen.
Folks this might help you get started on writing that all importnat letter tonight.
I am sure you can use some of what Eric has to say and add your own thoughts. Make sure you write or you will soon have a Flamingo Road type NPS road on your hands.
Jack Moller
Mr. Mariano Berrios April 6, 2006
Environmental Programs Administrator
Environmental Managers Office
605 Suwannee Street MS-37
Tallahassee Fl 32399-0405
Subject: NO to Tamiami Trail as Scenic Highway Designation
To Mr. Mariano Berrios
Please enter into the public record my comments.
I support the Collier Counties MPO Board’s decision to remove the State Scenic Highway and National Scenic Highway designations from the Tamiami Trail or US41
The Scenic Highway Designation comes with unacceptable strings attached especially when Federal Funds are accepted.
Instead of the natural view along the road we have today there will be visitor centers, parking lots and tour busses.
This designation leads to more traffic and dead animals along the highway.
This designation will also lead to further restrictions of our historical traditional free access and activities.
Disney World is in Orlando not South Florida.
Eric Kimmel
12685 SW 200 ST
Miami FL 33177
Email Looprd@aol.com
PH 305-345-4202
Member Africana Education and Research Foundation