I guess I was about 10 years old when I went on a hunting trip with my Dad and his Buddies in Area3. They were going to hunt off of the boats, after frogging all night. That was the plan, and we were camped on the interceptor canal levee.
So out we went to go frogging, and not 300 yards from the levee one of my Dads budds had a problem with his boatrigth away. Back to the levee we went. It was decided that his problem could not be fixed right then, and he decided that he was going to stay at camp.
It was cold and the fog was already really getting thick, so I told my old man that I wanted to stay at camp with his buddy. I wanted to do this cause he had a camper, and that looked better to me, than being frozen all night on the boat in the fog. The frogging trip turned into a feasco, but thats another story.
So off they went, and I went into the camper.
It could'nt have been 10 min, and my Dads buddy was sawing some serious logs. I could'nt get to sleep, cause we had tied our young dog near the fire, and it was whinning and whimpering like you could'nt believe. It just would not stop.
So I decided to go outside, and try to settle it down. I was stoking the fire back up, while the dog was about to knock me over trying to huddle up to me. It was a foggy night, dead calm.
Then I heard a good size branch bust on the wooded side of the levee.
I looked over there, and could not see anything, I was getting a little scared, but convinced myself I was a big boy, and not to worry about it.
Then it happened again just a couple of just a short time later, cept this time it was a limb. It sounded like a baseball bat busting in half. That was it!
I decided in that moment that it was to far to get back to the camper, and I knew my Dads buddy would'nt let the dog in there anyway, so we hit the cab of my old man's truck, and locked the doors as fast as I could.
We spent the next couple of hours, hunkered down in the cab of the truck. Whatever it was climbing on the trailer, and I heard it reaching into the bed of the truck digging around in there, under the camper shell.. All of this was causeing the truck to shake around BIG TIME. I was freaking scared, and that dog just stayed down as far as it could. It was scared more than me. I was so scared, that I could'nt get the nerve up to look out the back window of the truck.
I kept hoping that the frogging party would come back in, but I knew they were loster than s--t house rats.
Finally for some reason my dads friend woke up. I had been hoping he might, but convinced myself that was not going to happen, cause of the size of the logs he was sawing before I left the camper.
I saw the light on the back of his camper come on, and he stuck his head out yelling" Cowboy, where you at!" The truck shook hard one more time, as IT evacuated the area. I started honking the horn, and he walked up to the drivers side window.
That dog whent crazy! It hit the window hard, just going OFF when it saw him walk up. He almost fell over backwards from recoiling so hard.
Then he snatched me out of the cab, and scoulded me for leaving the camper. He demanded to know what I thought I was doing. I think he was mad at the whole situation, and then the dog startled him so bad.
I told him what was going on, and that the skunk ape had me pinned down in the truck. He just said " Get back in the camper BOY, and don't get back out!" as he slung me by the shirt in the direction he wanted me to go.
I left the dog in the cab, and this time it took 11 min before he was snoreing again. I stayed in the camper the rest of the night.
It was after sun up when the frogging expedition made it back to camp, and they were on me when I came outta the camper. " Skunk ape gotcha last night huh cowboy?! HA HA HA" " HA HA HA HA HA!!" " " Hey! Skunk ape got cowboy last night" HA HA HA HA! " Breaker 1-9!" " Cowboy saw a skunk ape!" HA HA HA HA!
" Hey Mr Game Warden, That's Cowboy over there on that boat, and he saw the skunk ape last night!" HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!
I was looking for tracks or something, but it was all shell rocked in the camp area. I just put up with the teasing for the next couple of months.
And yeah, it coulda been a bear, but...
It woulda had to be a big Alskan Brown to bust the size limb or pepper tree I heard bust!
Thats my story, and I'm sticking to it!
Let the teasing begin again, I don't care.
Like Country said elsewhere: " I believe "