Heres a link to a supplier for epoxie bottom coatings.
I perfer the Superslick steel-flex for the bottom of the hull, and regular super steel-flex for areas you might want to have a nicer finish on.
There is another product out there called frog spit, but I'm not sure where to get it right off hand.
I have been told that "Slickbottom" is a term that is sometimes used for airboat coatings, but is more commonly understood as the nickname that Cntry141iq had in high school.
I chose my nickname when I was five years old, but I think Cntry was given that one by someone else. I understand that he does not like to discuss how he got that nickname. I'm certain it was a complimentary nickname, cause I think he was very popular in High School.
And yes,
They did have High Schools way back then.
It coulda been because he was such a clever kid.
The dogs would never play with any of the ugly kids in Cntry's childhood home, because some individual kept stealing the porkchops that had been installed about thier necks.
Everybody figured it was Cntry stealing and eating those prokchops, but the were never able to actually catch him with one redhanded.
Gotcha back Cntry.