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soap sprayer

what the st johns have to say aboat the sprayers is it legal to run melbourne way
It depends on who you ask. According to the Alligator Management program yes. (They do the surveying and egg collecting and I personally rode with them when they did some up here in cocoa). If you look at the St. Johns flyer it reads something to the effect of "the possession or use of any device capapble of discharging, emitting spray or introducing any pollutants, is prohibited" hope this helps.
My cousin has a sprayer on his airboat & wouldn't give it up for nothing. It sprays a large volume & he uses water only. Everything else seems to clog it up after a while. He doesn't need it to run the hill, but since the boat moves around so much easier, he uses it all the time.

He also participates in the gator egg harvest every year. The helicopter points you in the right direction and it's up to you & your boat to get to the nest. He's got a 12' Diamondback with a hopped up O540, nitrous oxide and the sprayer, but there's always a time when he need's a little more.
I work at a New Holland tractor dealership. We have a couple drawers full of sprayer tips and fittings..........hmmmmmm :twisted:
Don't try cooking oil. Gums up terrible, toss the pump and the hoses, but the fittings come clean.

Peanut oil works ok. Have a friend who works on drilling rigs offshore. He brought us several 5 gallon buckets of it that was used in a fryer. We thinned it, strained it, and put it back up in buckets. It seems to coat the hull and last longer than water.

Soaps like Dawn and Ivory work good. They are supposedly envirnomentally safe, allowed us to use them on Federal Refuges when I did seismic work.
I got the system set up but before I could try it my fuel pump started to leak.What electic fuel pump do most run? Last one was a carter street/strip last 25 hours. :x

I did not use a fuel pump. I went with a RV style water pump. A sureflow is what I used. I actually did this for a senior design project. I will include the pitch.
The pump on the sprayer system works great,it the fuel pump that started to leak on the bottom . 25 hour is all it had.