Hey everyone,
Having some issues with my O-470. Took it out of storage today (last run 3 months ago) and I couldn't get it to crank. Battery is good, just put new spark plugs in today, fuel is free of water. I was able to get the boat to finally turn over but I have minimal throttle response, so I checked throttle cable, its good. Thought maybe I just flooded it so I let it sit for a while. Tried again... checked fuel pump, its working as advertised. Finally got it to run, but it wouldn't break 1500rpm at full throttle and also won't idle without dying. After running it for 2 mins, checking mags for rpm drop (which there wasn't any). After I shut the engine off, I felt the port side cylinders and they were cold. The starboard cylinders were all too hot to touch. So it seems like I'm getting only the starboard cylinders to fire which leads me to believe its not a mag issue since each mag should control both sides. I pulled the plugs on the port side and they were all still brand new. The starboard ones had obvious signs of use. Not sure where to go from here. Any help is appreciated!
Having some issues with my O-470. Took it out of storage today (last run 3 months ago) and I couldn't get it to crank. Battery is good, just put new spark plugs in today, fuel is free of water. I was able to get the boat to finally turn over but I have minimal throttle response, so I checked throttle cable, its good. Thought maybe I just flooded it so I let it sit for a while. Tried again... checked fuel pump, its working as advertised. Finally got it to run, but it wouldn't break 1500rpm at full throttle and also won't idle without dying. After running it for 2 mins, checking mags for rpm drop (which there wasn't any). After I shut the engine off, I felt the port side cylinders and they were cold. The starboard cylinders were all too hot to touch. So it seems like I'm getting only the starboard cylinders to fire which leads me to believe its not a mag issue since each mag should control both sides. I pulled the plugs on the port side and they were all still brand new. The starboard ones had obvious signs of use. Not sure where to go from here. Any help is appreciated!