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South Brevard Malabar Road


Silent Prop
R. I. P.
While I was home for a bit last summer I saw that they had built a park out at the end of Malabar and to the left. Past old Man Andersons diggins. I drove out and noticed the slob hunters or vandal shooters had shot up the locks and doors on the buildings. The place actually looks nice outside that, but I also see its closed to boaters ! Nice ramps they built too !

Does anybody know if this is going to ever be opened to us, or was this just more hot air, smoke and Bovine Defacation? I really would like to know the truth of whats going on out there. Sadly I'm a bit far off to talk with them in person. That might me a good thing in my present mindset.

I can find out. I have a friend who actually worked out there and maybe they can tell me something. Will let you know later.
As I seem to remember, that was to be part of flooding the 3 forks walkin area etc and returning the wawter level to pre 50 something levels. That hasn't happened either. I saw trails and some water out there even still last summer. Im sure they will say its closed to bats cause theres no water. Thats a total BS joke as anyone with 2 brain cells knows airboats dont need water.

I really thing theres some kind of political screwup or scam going on with this whole thing. Its like they started with all the talk and dike building, restricted the areas and then stopped once it was diked and restricted.

I still thinking there may be a developer speculators finger in all this somewhere.

Id like tobe wrong about that but the Malabar road shown on Google Earth goes all the way into Osceola county it looks like. Currently it stops at the dikes there in Palm Bay, so I wonder where Google got the info to put it on a map way on out there?

I think they are trying to open up Malabar Rd all the way to the Florida Turnpike. At least that is what I have been told a few times and have heard that for the last year or so. Maybe that is why they have it going into Osceola County.
That makes sense, even logical, that way they can develope all the ranch and swamp land between South Brevard and the turnpike !

Be a real shortcut to camp at Buldozer though. Theres a LOT of swamp out there most folks never see. Fun running too. I guess the old Rice PAtties are likely condos now though. Grinn.

Palm Bay has been trying to annex their West boundry all the way to 6 mile canal for some time. If that ever does happen our hunting & airboating days in that marsh will be numbered.
Well if history is any indicator, if they want it they will eventually get it ! Sad but true. Misplaced definitions of progress.

Buck Thruster":1wzk2xw6 said:
Palm Bay has been trying to annex their West boundry all the way to 6 mile canal for some time. If that ever does happen our hunting & airboating days in that marsh will be numbered.

First off, the annexation is off & dead in the water.

The local sportsmen put a squash to it @ the RAC meeting last June.

As for Malabar Rd, I've never heard that "rumor" but it's damn funny. :lol:

Malabar Rd is scheduled to stop right where it's @.

The PB Beltway is scheduled someday :roll: to run west from I-95 (between Grant & Micco Rd), through the Wheeler Grove property (soon to be 4000 home development named Waterstone) to the eastside of the L-74 then turn north. It will run staright north along the eastside of the levee, cross Malabar Rd then tie into Simon Rd & connecting with US 192.

As for 3 Forks, here's the skinny.

The hold up is the completion of the L-74 Levee to US 192.

The rains of Wilma flooded out the area & they have just recently have been able to resume work.

Once the L-74 is completed, the cross canals between Mary-A & Sartori East will be filled in by pushing in the (4) four east/west levees.

The new area will be (14,000) fourteen thousand acres with the south end being for sloughs & bayous & the north end being an average depth of (4) four feet.

While pushing in the e/w levees, the USACE will also have to built an additional levee that run parallel to the L-74 from the south end of the C-40 to mid way into Sartori's.

All this work was to be completed by Oct 2006 but with all the hurricanes, I'd say more like Oct 2007.

If you have any questions regard the Upper St Johns River, please don't hesitate to ask. We work very hard with SJRWMD & internet rumors is the last thing we need.

I've sat in the RAC committee for the last (5) five years representing Ducks Unlimited & no work, purchase, trade or spraying doesn't get started or completed until it's run past RAC.

Thats good skinny. Unfortunately, as you may see in my location to the left I am not at home or able to follow whats happening. Working in the Mid East keeps me 99% out of touch with local goings on.

I definately can appreciate what Wilma did to the area and it makes sense the completion date would be pushed back a bit. But this thing has been sitting idle since way before Wilma made the trip through.

Ok 2007 sounds like a good date. Ill be home in Jan of 2007 and will make it a point to get caught up on it. Til then I have to ask.

If they would simply LIMIT growth then there would be no need for a silly beltway ! Another case of misplaced understanding. They have the inappropriate notion that progress is synonamous with growth. They simplyt ain't the same !

I definately have an attitude about what developers will do and how they try to get in bed with politicians. My attitude wasn't developed overnight either. It took years for them to develope the kind of attitude I have.

Thanks so much for the update though.

Thank you for that Jeff. I know the people who are working out there on the levee's and I get the skinny. As far as the "rumor" about Malabar going to the Turnpike. That has been in the works for a really long time. They are just waiting to purchase the rest of the property, at least that is what I have been told.
Capn Jeff

"As for Malabar Rd, I've never heard that "rumor" but it's damn funny.

Malabar Rd is scheduled to stop right where it's @. "

Call up Google Earth and zoom in and look at Malabar Road. Where did Google get this information if it wasn't released to them by the City/County or some other controlling agency??????

Of course we all know plans can be turned on and off to please whomever is being talked with.

Dakota":1m2x43jl said:
That has been in the works for a really long time. They are just waiting to purchase the rest of the property, at least that is what I have been told.

You've been given really bad info then.

I've worked for the City of Palm Bay for the last (20) twenty years & there's never been plans to extend it any farther than it is right now.

Nor has it ever been talked about @ the RAC.

It stops @ the marsh & that's as far as it is going.

It can't go any farther than it already is.

hundreds of acres of prime marsh would be destroyed, the marsh would be cut in half (or bridged entirely) & it would restrict the water flow of the SJR.

Plus, it would be to expensive to mitigate.

That's part of the problem with the northern end of the proposed PB Beltway :roll: , they'd have to destroy only (110) one hudred & ten acres & the can't afford to do that @ (6) six to (1) one.

Bottom line, GOOGLE's got it wrong & it ain't the first time. :wink:
Did anyone on here REALLY think for one minute that future developement in this State was going to be in the best interests of any of us who live here already? Get over it y'all .... we're living in the best of times right now.

The Great American Snowbird is a carnivorous critter.

Ok, when I come home I'll rent a plane from FIT and a pilot and well go see where this Malabar road that doesnt exist goes. I got good cam for aerial photography. Heck it might even be on the latest aerial photos in the plat-book for Brevard. Either way It'll have to wait til I get back for a short visit in April.

It seems to me its left up to physics to limit growth instead of leadership. Oh well.......

BTW, you can no longer build into the (18) eighteen foot above sea level in Brevard County.

That ends east of the L-74 but 1/2 in most places.
Scotty, I'm in school right now to get my A & P, but if I can get current by the time you get home, the pilot won't cost you one red cent and I'll split the cost of the airplane. Fair enough .... ?

Gota deal Feather. if not I know a kid that doing the airline pilot thing at FIT. Hes at the CFI level right now. He will fly just for the hours hahahahahahahah

And the main reason for this is that they don't want anyone to find out that Disney is buying up all of that land just like the town of harmony that Disney owns also if you look at the photos of this area there is a lot of developed roads out that way from deer run to holopaw and all around harmony.
was also told that there is going to be a six flags out there so there again they don't want anyone to find out or the property will go up.

just like the by pass from malabar to Ellis that they want to put in so it can be developed so if no one knows they can buy it cheap they are putting a dike in that will run all the way to 192 and there is NO DRAIN PIPES for the water from the east side to go back into the west side of the dike so you tell me why they are drying out the east side if there is nothing going on..