While I was home for a bit last summer I saw that they had built a park out at the end of Malabar and to the left. Past old Man Andersons diggins. I drove out and noticed the slob hunters or vandal shooters had shot up the locks and doors on the buildings. The place actually looks nice outside that, but I also see its closed to boaters ! Nice ramps they built too !
Does anybody know if this is going to ever be opened to us, or was this just more hot air, smoke and Bovine Defacation? I really would like to know the truth of whats going on out there. Sadly I'm a bit far off to talk with them in person. That might me a good thing in my present mindset.
Does anybody know if this is going to ever be opened to us, or was this just more hot air, smoke and Bovine Defacation? I really would like to know the truth of whats going on out there. Sadly I'm a bit far off to talk with them in person. That might me a good thing in my present mindset.