You can get the plugs at Napa, ar any real auto parts store.
The terminal ends that Red showed us above, probably wont work in most magnetos. If the magneto end is not terminated properly, you stand a good chance of the spark tracking to groung at the mag dist block. Once the blocks got a good carbon track on it, it's gonna be junk. The terminal wells in the mag are not very deep, and then you've got a grounded plate right above them. The terminal end has got to be right on the eng of the wire. They won't tolerate the terminals that crimp back up on the wire jacket. If it does work, it wont for long. I'm not trying to say Ha- Ha-, your wrong Red, cause I wish it was that easy to use those style ends at the mag.
Reds right about the champions having a plating on the base of the plug. The AC's don't. The non plated ones will rust allot sooner than the champions. I've seen people I respect running the NGK's, and the plating on those looks real nice. Denso makes a good plug also.
All of the plugs mentioned above will run just fine. Don't forget the .018 gap.
If you buy a pre-built harness from Mike Thurman, your troubles will be over. Like I said, if you figure in your time to chase the items down, then buy them, then fart with putting it together..... It's a real bargain.
At least when I figure how valuable my time is to me. You can P.M. Him on this site. Here's a link to a wire set he's selling on ebay. It has a good picture of how the terminals should look at the mag end.
I don't have his number handy. Somebody can jump in here with his number. Just call him, and tell him the model number of the mag, and what type engine you have. It should be pretty cheap for a 4cyl single mag wire set.
I recently got a set from him. They worked, and fit very well. It was worth every penny, and I am capable of making my own harness. I just hate farting around with plug wires. It's just an aggravation, but your engine aint gonna run worth a crap without good plug wires on it.